These transportation analysis tools help us evaluate San Francisco's transportation system and make informed decisions for the future.

A bike accessibility heat map of San Francisco

CycleTracks for iPhone and Android

CycleTracks uses smartphone GPS support to record users' bicycle trip routes in order to help transportation planners make informed decisions about bicycle use in the community.

An overhead view of city blocks

Dynamic Traffic Assignment

We use a Dynamic Traffic Assignment model to give planners a more fine-grained view of transportation system performance and a better understanding of traffic patterns around San Francisco.

A screenshot of a map with traffic volumes

SF-CHAMP Modeling

SF-CHAMP is San Francisco’s travel forecasting tool. This tool is used for many planning studies and projects to predict future travel patterns for the city.

A graphic of data points on a grid

SHRP2 Fast-Trips

Fast-Trips is a transportation modeling tool that simulates people using transit.

A map of San Francisco

Transportation Demand Management Evaluation Tool

This tool will provide comprehensive, systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of Transportation Demand Management strategies.

A streak of light depicting a bus moving at night

Model and Data Service Bureau

Our Model and Data Service Bureau provides services to interested parties regarding model data and output as well as GIS and other data.

A generic image of data


Our github webpage hosts software we have developed, our interactive data visualizations, tools for managing model networks, and more.