The Bayview Caltrain Station Location Study will recommend the selection of a single new location for the Caltrain station in the Bayview and prepare the station for environmental approval. The Paul Avenue Caltrain Station was closed in 2005, and development of a replacement station was included in 2003's Proposition K transportation sales Expenditure Plan. This station would restore access to Caltrain and the regional transit network to the Bayview community and travelers to and from the Bayview.
Potential location options in the Bayview are Evans Avenue or Oakdale Avenue at the Caltrain alignment.
The study will:
- Recommend a single station location to advance towards implementation using focused and prioritized criteria shaped by community input, including:
- Ridership
- Climate resiliency and environment
- Access and community integration
- Station cost, funding, delivery timeline, and complexity to build
- Develop concept designs for each potential location and an initial design for the selected station location
- Refine cost estimates to help understand funding and deliverability
- Lay out a roadmap for final design, environmental clearance, and implementation
Southeast Rail Station Study concludes
Summer 2023
Evaluation Framework/Existing Conditions
October 14, 2023
Open House
2023 – 2024
Preliminary recommendation & additional outreach
Early 2024
Adoption by SFCTA Board
Cost and Funding
The cost of the Bayview Caltrain Station Location Study is $800,000, funded by Proposition K half-cent sales tax. In November 2022, voters approved Proposition L to replace and extend the half-cent sales tax. Proposition L includes $27 million of funding for the Bayview Caltrain Station.
Share your ideas on what is important to you in a potential station, and how we decide which location will be best.
Click the StoryMap link to learn more and give us feedback.
2005 Bayview-Oakdale Caltrain Station Study
2014 Caltrain Oakdale Station Ridership Study
2020 Bayview Community Based Transportation Plan
2021 ConnectSF Transit Strategy
2022 Southeast Rail Station Study
Andrew Heidel, Principal Transportation Planner
The Transportation Authority is working with Caltrain, District 10 residents, community organizations and businesses.
2023 Outreach Events
We want your ideas on what is important to you in a potential station, and how we decide which location will be best.
Click the StoryMap link to learn more and give us feedback.
Past Events
In-Person Open House/Public Meeting - Bayview Hunters Point YMCA
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2023
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Location: 1601 Lane Street
Refreshments will be provided.
If you are unable to attend, please provide feedback through this link.