Bicyclists in a bike lane in front of a cafe on Arguello in the Inner Richmond

Photo: SFMTA Photography Department

The Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program supports neighborhood-scale transportation projects in each supervisorial district.

All Neighborhood Program projects must address one or more of the following priorities:

  • Improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and/or other street users
  • Encourage walking, biking, and/or transit use
  • Improve transit accessibility and/or reliability
  • Improve mobility for Equity Priority Communities or other underserved neighborhoods and vulnerable populations

The Neighborhood Program was developed in response to mobility and equity analysis findings from the San Francisco Transportation Plan and to the public’s and the Transportation Authority Board's desire to increase our focus on neighborhoods, especially Equity Priority Communities and other underserved neighborhoods. The San Francisco Transportation Plan found that walking, biking and transit reliability initiatives are important ways to address socio-economic and geographic disparities and that neighborhood transportation plans can establish a pipeline of grant-ready projects that reflect community priorities, such as street safety, mode shift, transit accessibility, and mobility.

Selecting Projects

As described in the Neighborhood Program Guidelines, anyone can come up with a Neighborhood Program grant idea, including, but not limited to, a District Supervisor, agency staff, a community-based organization, or a community member. There is no predetermined schedule or call for projects for the Neighborhood Program grants. Rather, each Transportation Authority Board member will contact the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program Coordinator when they are interested in exploring Neighborhood Program proposals. Board members may already have an idea in mind, seek help from agency staff in generating ideas, and/or solicit input from constituents and other stakeholders. Ultimately, the district supervisor (acting in their capacity as a Transportation Authority Board commissioner) will recommend which project(s) will be funded with a Neighborhood Program grant.

Contact your district supervisor to propose an idea.

Neighborhood Program Guidelines (PDF)


The Neighborhood Program provides $700,000 in Prop L transportation sales tax funding for each supervisorial district to use over a five-year period. In 2023 the Board approved a third five-year funding cycle for the Neighborhood Program, which began in July 2023. District supervisors, acting as Transportation Authority Board members, determine which projects are funded.

Historically, $100,000 has been programmed for Planning and $600,000 for Capital (e.g. design and construction) for each district. Planning funds are intended to support neighborhood-scale efforts that identify a community’s top transportation needs, identify and evaluate potential solutions, and recommend next steps for meeting the identified needs. Planning efforts should lead toward prioritization of community-supported, neighborhood-scale capital improvements that can be funded by the Transportation Authority’s Prop L sales tax for transportation and/or other sources.

Capital funds are intended to advance recommendations from Neighborhood Program Planning effort recommendations or other community-supported, neighborhood-scale plans and studies. For example, Neighborhood Program Capital funds could be used to fund design of a project that could then apply for construction funding from a competitive grant source.

Underway Neighborhood Program Projects
Project NameDistrictAgency LeadPhaseAllocation
Clement Street & 6th Avenue Intersection Improvements1SF Public WorksPlanning$125,000
District 2 Safety Study and Implementation2Transportation Authority, SFMTAPlanning and Capital$700,000
Walter U Lum Place Public Space Study3Transportation Authority, SFMTAPlanning$350,000
District 4 Microtransit Business Plan4Transportation AuthorityPlanning$310,000
Great Highway Gateway Study





Ortega Street Improvements4SFMTACapital$330,000
District 6 Traffic Calming and Sideshow Deterrence6SFMTACapital$360,000
Mission Bay School Access Plan6Transportation Authority, SFMTAPlanning$319,307
District 7 FY19 Participatory Budgeting Priorities7SFMTACapital$255,000
District 7 FY20 Participatory Budgeting Priorities7SFMTACapital$132,600
Inner Sunset Multimodal Safety and Access Study7Transportation Authority, SFMTAPlanning$350,000
Ocean Avenue Safety and Bike Access7SFMTACapital$237,000
Next Generation Sanchez Slow Street8SFMTACapital$277,300
Valencia Long-Term Bikeway Study9SFMTAPlanning$210,000
Vision Zero Proactive Traffic Calming - Visitacion Valley and Portola Neighborhoods9 & 10SFMTACapital$150,000
Minnesota and 25th St Intersection Improvements10SF Public WorksCapital$400,000
Visitacion Valley & Portola Community Based Transportation Plan Implementation10SFMTACapital$435,000
District 11 Traffic Calming





District 11 Traffic Calming and Sideshow Deterrence 





Total Active Projects   $6,145,352


Completed Neighborhood Program Projects
Project NameDistrictAgency LeadPhaseAllocationYear Completed
38th and Geary Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons1SFMTACapital



Anza Bike Lanes1SFMTACapital



Arguello Blvd Improvements1SFMTACapital



District 1 Multimodal Transportation Study


Transportation Authority




District 1 NTIP Planning Project1SFMTAPlanning$100,0002017
Fulton Street Safety Project (Cycle 1)1SFMTACapital$82,5212021
Fulton Street Safety Project (Cycle 2)1SFMTACapital$236,2152023
Golden Gate Park Stakeholder Working Group and Action Framework1Transportation AuthorityPlanning$61,5252021
Lombard Crooked Street Reservation and Pricing System Development2Transportation AuthorityCapital$200,0002023
Lombard Street US-101 Corridor2SFMTACapital$400,0002023
Managing Access to the "Crooked Street" (1000 Block of Lombard Street)2Transportation AuthorityPlanning$100,0002017
Battery and Sansome Bicycle Connections3SFMTACapital$200,0002021
District 3 Pedestrian Safety Improvements3SFMTACapital$819,800               2024
Jefferson Street Improvements Phase 23SF Public WorksCapital$200,0002021
Portsmouth Square Community Based Transportation Plan3Transportation Authority, SFMTAPlanning and Capital$150,0002020
66 Quintara Connectivity Study4SFMTAPlanning$100,0002018
District 4 Mobility Improvements Study4Transportation AuthorityPlanning$100,0002023
Lower Great Highway Pedestrian Improvements4SFMTACapital$250,0002023
Sloat/Skyline Intersection Alternatives Analysis4SFMTACapital$250,0002023
Buchanan Mall Bulbouts - Golden Gate and Turk5SF Public WorksCapital$300,0002022
Divisadero Intersection Improvements5SFMTACapital$273,5002022
Frederick/Clayton Traffic Calming5SFMTACapital$175,0002023
Octavia Improvements Study5Transportation Authority, SFMTAPlanning$100,0002023
Western Addition Community-Based Transportation Plan5SFMTAPlanning$100,0002017
7th and 8th Streets Freeway Ramp Intersection Near Term Improvements6SFMTACapital$160,0002022
Bessie Carmichael Crosswalk6SFMTACapital$28,0002017
Golden Gate Avenue Buffered Bike Lane6SFMTACapital$50,0002018
Howard Street - Embarcadero to 3rd Street6SFMTACapital$75,0002021
Pedestrian Safety in SOMA Youth and Family Zone - Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project6SFMTAPlanning$48,0002020
Pedestrian Safety in SOMA Youth and Family Zone - Vision Zero Ramp Intersection Study6Transportation AuthorityPlanning$52,0002018
South Park Traffic Calming6SF Public WorksCapital$30,0002020
Tenderloin Traffic Safety Improvements6SFMTAPlanning and Capital$355,6562022
Treasure Island Supplemental Transportation Study6Transportation AuthorityPlanning$100,0002023
Balboa Area TDM Study7SF PlanningPlanning$100,0002018
Lake Merced Bikeway Feasibility7SFMTACapital$150,0002021
Lake Merced Quick-Build7SFMTACapital$250,0002022
Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan7Transportation AuthorityPlanning$275,0002023
14th Street Road Diet8SFMTACapital$60,7002023
Elk Street at Sussex Street Pedestrian Safety Improvements8SFMTACapital$405,0002023
Jane Warner Plaza Renovation Project8SF Public WorksPlanning$100,000               2024
Slow Duboce Triangle Study8Transportation AuthorityPlanning$7,0002022
Upper Market Street Safety Improvements8SFMTACapital$500,0002023
Valencia Street Bikeway Implementation Plan8SFMTAPlanning$50,0002019
Alemany Interchange Improvement Study9Transportation Authority, SFMTAPlanning$100,0002017
Alemany Realignment Study9Transportation AuthorityPlanning$100,0002023
Alemany Interchange Improvements9SFMTA, SF Public WorksCapital$399,9952021
District 9 Traffic Calming9SFMTACapital$165,000               2024
Bayshore Blvd/Cesar Chavez St/Potrero Ave Intersection (The Hairball - Segments F & G)9 & 10SF Public WorksCapital$400,0002022
Hairball Segments F & G - Additional Funds9 & 10SF Public WorksCapital$150,0002022
Bayshore Blvd/Cesar Chavez St/Potrero Ave Intersection Improvements10SFMTACapital$100,0002016
District 10 15 Third Street Bus Study10Transportation AuthorityPlanning$30,0002021
District 10 Mobility Management Study10Transportation AuthorityPlanning$100,0002018
Potrero Hill Pedestrian Safety and Transit Stop Improvements10SFMTACapital$60,0002022
Alemany Safety Project11SFMTAPlanning$100,0002020
District 11 Near-Term Traffic Calming11SFMTACapital$600,0002022
Geneva-San Jose Intersection Study11SFMTAPlanning$100,0002020
Total Completed Projects   $10,320,843 


Related Project & Studies


This project will design and install rectangular rapid flashing beacons, pedestrian push buttons, and improved signage to improve pedestrian safety at the intersection of 38th Avenue and Geary Boulevard.

The 66-Quintara Reconfiguration Study identified ways to meet the San Francisco West Side neighborhoods’ transit access and connectivity needs.

Finalized in April 2017, the Alemany Interchange Improvement Study outlined a list of safety and accessibility recommendations for the Alemany interchange.

Segments of Alemany Boulevard between Sickles Avenue and Mission Street are part of the city’s High-Injury Network. The SFMTA is exploring ways to make Alemany Boulevard safer for all road users. This study builds on prior work by the SFMTA and San Francisco Planning Department.

The aim of the Anza Street Bike Lanes project is to improve safety and accessibility for bicyclists on Anza Street.

The main goal of this project is to address community concerns surrounding safety for people biking and walking along Arguello Boulevard.

The Balboa Area Transportation Demand Management Framework process was designed to initiate collaboration between the City, City College of San Francisco, and surrounding neighborhoods in the effort to encourage sustainable transportation choices in the area.

The SFMTA’s Sansome and Battery Connections Project will improve walking and bicycling between the Embarcadero and the Financial District by providing an alternative route parallel to the Embarcadero corridor.

The Bessie Carmichael Crosswalk project supported the City’s Vision Zero goal by making it safer for students to walk and bike to school. 


The District 1 Multimodal Transportation Study will engage the community to identify known mobility challenges and develop near- to long-term strategies to improve transit reliability and safety and shift trips to transit, walking, biking, or other non-driving options.

The District 2 Safety Study will address safety challenges and barriers to access on routes to land uses that attract children, seniors, and other vulnerable road users including parks, schools, hospitals, and recreational areas. The study will create a toolkit of safety improvements and guidance for implementation. The funding for this study includes implementation of study recommendations as a combination of quick-build or permanent construction.

The SFMTA-led District 3 Pedestrian Safety Improvements project will focus on planning, design, and construction of pedestrian safety improvements on and near Kearny Street.

The Transportation Authority is developing a business plan that will define an on-demand community shuttle service within District 4.

The District 4 Mobility Study will explore ways to increase the use of non-automobile modes in the Outer Sunset and Parkside neighborhoods.

This study identifies a set of non-infrastructure strategies to reduce vehicle miles of travel in the district through partnerships between community organizations, developers, and emerging mobility service providers.

The District 10 15 Third Street Bus Study evaluated re-establishing the 15 Third Street Muni bus route. Residents and community members in Dogpatch, Bayview, and Hunter’s Point have raised concerns about delays and reliability of T Third light rail service on Third Street and expressed a desire to return bus service to the corridor. SFMTA is currently operating a new 15 Third Express route as identified by this study.

The SFMTA is implementing quick and effective traffic calming measures at locations in District 11.

The SFMTA’s Divisadero Intersection Improvements project will improve ten intersections on a segment of Divisadero between Turk and Haight streets.

Pedestrian safety improvements at the intersection may include up to three bulb-outs, rectangular rapid flashing beacons, and pedestrian crossing signage to improve safety and access to Glen Canyon Park. 

The SFMTA’s Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project will make it safer and more pleasant to walk, bike, shop and live along Folsom and Howard streets.

The goal of the Frederick and Clayton Traffic Calming Project is to increase visibility of pedestrians and improve pedestrian safety on Frederick and Clayton streets. 

The SFMTA will develop recommendations and conceptual designs for safety and accessibility improvements for up to 1.5 miles of Fulton Street between Stanyan and LaPlaya.

Through this study, the SFMTA developed conceptual design improvements to address safety issues near the Geneva-San Jose Intersection.

As part of the SFMTA’s Golden Gate Avenue Safety Project, the agency reduced the number of traffic lanes and constructed an eastbound buffered bike lane on Golden Gate Avenue between Polk Street and Market Street.

The Golden Gate Park Stakeholder Working Group developed a list of needs and an Action Framework that identifies key efforts to be carried forward into subsequent planning processes for Golden Gate Park and JFK Drive.

This study analyzes how people travel to the eastern portion of Golden Gate Park and what barriers exist to getting there, particularly for people living in Equity Priority Communities furthest from the park.

Street safety improvements are coming to “the Hairball,” a busy intersection between Potrero Hill and the Mission.

The Jefferson Streetscape Improvement Project aims to improve street safety on the main street of Fisherman’s Wharf.

The SFMTA will study how to improve bike safety and access to and within Lake Merced Park.

We continue to work with the governor’s office, and state and local representatives to identify solutions to congestion in the area.

The Lombard Street Safety Project will implement street safety improvements such as sidewalk extensions, signal timing adjustments, and enhanced crosswalk and intersection striping.

This project aims to increase pedestrian safety and comfort along Lower Great Highway by implementing pedestrian improvements and traffic calming measures.

The Transportation Authority developed the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan to prioritize and identify funding for transportation improvements for the Ocean Avenue corridor.

The Transportation Authority conducted the Octavia Improvements Study in close partnership with SFMTA to identify ways to improve safety and make it easier to travel on Octavia Boulevard leading to the Central Freeway.

Transportation Authority Board Member Norman Yee (D7) engaged District 7 residents in an inclusive participatory budgeting process to identify projects that will improve the safety and quality of its neighborhoods. Through this process, the residents and stakeholders requested traffic calming and pedestrian safety measures at specific locations.

This Community Based Transportation Plan for Portsmouth square will analyze the new park design and explore existing transportation and circulation around the park.

This SFMTA- led project includes roadway and public space improvements to enhance pedestrian safety, improve access to transit stops, reduce both intersection crossing distances and traffic speeds, and provide new community gathering areas. 

The SFMTA’s Sloat Skyline Intersection Alternatives Analysis looks to improve overall safety where Sloat Boulevard/HWY 35 intersects with Skyline Boulevard & 39th Avenue

The Slow Duboce Triangle Study, also called Vision Slow Triangle or Duboce Triangle Vision 2030, was led by the Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association and engaged the community in workshops to understand the visions for the future of the Duboce Triangle neighborhood.

The Transportation Authority has been studying how to improve safety at 15 SoMa intersections where freeway on- and off-ramps meet city streets.

Park improvements include upgrades to the park’s infrastructure, new accessible paths, irrigation, drainage, site lighting, site furnishings, trees and landscaping, new children’s play area, large open meadow, several plazas, and traffic calming measures.

Building on past neighborhood-wide efforts, the Tenderloin Traffic Safety Improvements project will reduce the speed limits of many streets from 25 to 20 miles per hour and restrict turns on red at 54 intersections.

The study goal is to understand resident and worker transportation needs, outline recommended short-term public transit improvements, and plan for supplemental transportation options.

Upper Market has complex, 6-way intersections and is on San Francisco’s Vision Zero High-Injury Network. Through the Upper Market Street Safety Project, SFMTA will install sidewalk and roadway improvements to make Upper Market safer and more comfortable for people walking, biking, driving, and accessing transit.

The SFMTA is working with the community to assess and recommend safety improvements for Valencia Street between Market and Mission streets.

San Francisco has vowed to eliminate all traffic-related deaths by 2024 through education, enforcement, and road infrastructure redesign.

The Western Addition Community-Based Transportation Plan brought local residents, community organizations and transportation agencies together to address the neighborhood’s transportation challenges.

Vision Zero Proactive Traffic Calming is a program of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to improve safety on streets where pedestrian injuries to seniors and people with disabilities are concentrated and priority areas where seniors and people with disabilities live and travel.