Minnesota Street, featuring art galleries, the Minnesota Grove, and coffee shops, serves as a cultural and social hub for the Dogpatch neighborhood. Through the Minnesota and 25th Street Intersection Improvements project, San Francisco Public Works will construct new bulb-outs and curb ramps at the Minnesota Street and 25th Street intersection, creating a shorter, safer, and more accessible crossing at this busy intersection.
These improvements are being coordinated with the Minnesota Streetscape project, which will make Minnesota Street safer for people walking by constructing new sidewalks, sidewalk extensions at intersections, curb ramps, street trees, and more. This project is a recommendation of the 2017 Central Waterfront/Dogpatch Public Realm Plan.
Project/Study Partners
This project is funded by the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program and led by SF Public Works.
Cost and Funding
The Transportation Authority's Neighborhood Program is funding the Minnesota and 25th Street Intersection Improvements, with $400,000 in Prop K sales tax funds. This project was requested by Transportation Authority Board Member Shamann Walton (District 10). Additional funding for the project includes $1.5 million from the state Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities grant program.
Timeline and Status
Planning/ Conceptual Engineering: July 2018 – June 2020
Design Engineering: April 2020 – March 2021
Advertise Construction: Winter 2022
Open for Use: Spring 2023
Central Waterfront/Dogpatch Public Realm Plan
Minnesota and 25th Street Intersection Improvements Project Prop K funding request (PDF)
Trent Tieger,