Half-Cent Sales Tax for Transportation
San Francisco's voter-approved half-cent sales tax for transportation.

Prop AA Vehicle Registration Fee
Proposition AA is a voter-approved $10 annual vehicle registration fee that supports high-impact transportation projects that provide tangible benefits in the short term.

Lifeline Transportation Program
The Lifeline Transportation Program funds projects that improve transportation in low-income communities and address needs identified through local planning efforts involving outreach to low-income populations.

One Bay Area Grant Program
The One Bay Area Grant program supports commitments to regional transportation priorities while also advancing the Bay Area's land-use and housing goals.

Transportation Fund for Clean Air
The Transportation Fund for Clean Air supports bicycle, pedestrian, and other transportation projects that help clean the air by reducing motor vehicle emissions.

The tax is placed on rides provided by commercial ride-hail companies. The Transportation Authority administers half of the funds for street safety improvements. The other half goes to the SFMTA for transit improvements.

Funding Opportunities
Information on funding opportunities from the Transportation Authority and other agencies, along with guidelines for using federal funding.

Other Funding Sources
San Francisco faces a $22 billion funding gap for our transportation system through 2045. Learn about local, regional, and statewide efforts that are working to help bridge this funding gap.