The Transportation Fund for Clean Air supports bicycle, pedestrian, and other transportation projects that help clean the air by reducing motor vehicle emissions.
The Transportation Authority is the designated Transportation Fund for Clean Air Program Manager for San Francisco. In this capacity, we dedicate approximately $700,000 annually to projects across the city. We also provide assistance to project sponsors in applying regional Transportation Fund for Clean Air funds, programmed directly by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District.
Transportation Fund for Clean Air revenue comes from a $4 per vehicle surcharge collected by the California DMV on motor vehicle registrations in the nine-county Bay Area region. Program funds are distributed by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Forty percent of the revenues collected are available to each county. The remaining 60 percent of the revenues is administered by the Air District through a separate process.
Bay Area Air Quality Management District webpage
MyStreetSF Project Map
View all projects funded by the Transportation Fund for Clean Air on the MyStreetSF project map.
2024-25 Funded Project Summary
Funded in Fiscal Year 2024-25 | Project Sponsor | Total Project Cost | TFCA Funds Allocated |
Emergency Ride Home | San Francisco Department of the Environment | $91,775 | $91,775 |
Short-Term Bike Parking | San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency | $ 1,057,274 | $506,004 |
Paratransit Electrification | San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency | $300,000 | $45,000 |
TOTAL | $1,449,049 | $642,779 |
Sponsor Resources
Reporting Procedures
Quarterly/Annual Reports
Per the Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) funding agreement between the Transportation Authority and project sponsors, quarterly progress reports must be submitted by January 15, April 15, July 15, and October 15. Quarterly progress reports should be entered via each TFCA project's page at the Transportation Authority's Portal. For the October 15 report, sponsors must also complete the below form and upload it to the respective TFCA project page on the Portal.
For grants awarded prior to the Fiscal Year 2025/26 cycle, with the October 15 report, sponsors must also complete the following form and upload it to the respective TFCA project page on the portal: Interim Project Report Form (Word) for all projects that are not complete.
Close-Out Process
Project sponsors must submit a close-out request in the Portal in addition to an Air District Final Report Form and updated Cost Effectiveness Worksheet (see below). These steps are required whether or not all funds have been expended or if funds are to be deobligated for the project.
See the Portal Guide for Sponsors (PDF) for additional detail on the above reports and forms.
Final Report Form
This form is not available through the Portal and must be submitted through the Portal as part of the project Close-Out Request. Any additional project information (e.g., final report, evaluation, photos) should also be attached to the Close-Out Request through the Portal. Please note that a Cost-Effectiveness Worksheet must also be submitted along with a Final Report Form. The Final Report Form and Cost-Effectiveness Worksheet, which should be updated to reflect actual project and TFCA costs as well as any revised input data based on project evaluation, are to be uploaded as attachments to the close-out form on the Portal.
Form 1: Ridesharing; Shuttle/Feeder Bus; Transit Information; Rail-Bus Integration; Smart Growth Projects (Word)
Form 2: Clean Air Vehicle Projects (Word)
Form 3: Bicycle Projects (Word)
Form 4: Arterial Management Projects (Word)
Form 5: Repower and Retrofit Projects (Word)
Cost Effectiveness Worksheets
- Arterial Management Projects FYE 2026 (Excel)
- Vehicles 14,001 lbs + FYE 2026 (Excel)
- Vehicles 14,000 lbs & less FYE 2026 (Excel)
- Trip Reduction Projects FYE 2026 (Excel)
- Electric Vehicle Infrastructure FYE 2026 (Excel)
If you have problems downloading the forms, please try a right click, select "Save Target As," and save the downloaded file to your computer. Please contact Mike Pickford, Principal Transportation Planner if you have any questions.
Reimbursement Request Form
A Reimbursement Request Form for the entire grant can be submitted when the project is complete. Partial payment can be requested during any stage of the project. Full documentation of all expenses must be provided with the request, including receipts for all purchases, employee timesheets, etc. No expenses incurred prior to the date of the fully executed Funding Agreement will be reimbursed without prior written approval by the Transportation Authority. Please submit reimbursement requests via email to ap@sfcta.org.
Final Reimbursement Requests must be accompanied by a Final Report Form, a Project Closeout form (via the Portal), and any deliverables included in the Funding Agreement.
Reimbursement Request Form (Excel)
Program Guidance
Air District's TFCA County Program Manager Fund Expenditure Plan Guidance for FYE 2026 (PDF)
Call for Projects - Fiscal Year 2025/26
Call for Projects: Applications are due April 18, 2025
The Transportation Authority is pleased to announce a call for projects for $681,485 in Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) 40% Fund programming for the Fiscal Year 2025/26 cycle. Applications should be emailed to tfca@sfcta.org.
Fiscal Year 2025/26 Program Guidance
Fiscal Year 2025/26 Call For Projects - Memorandum from the Transportation Authority (PDF)
Fiscal Year 2025/26 Local Expenditure Criteria (PDF)
Air District's TFCA County Program Manager Fund Expenditure Plan Guidance for FYE 2026 (PDF)
Consistent with the legislation governing the TFCA program and the Air District's adopted policies for the Fiscal Year 2025/26 TFCA County Program Manager Fund, we will accept applications for the types of projects listed below:
Trip Reduction Projects
- Existing Ridesharing Projects
- Existing First‐ and Last‐Mile Connections
- Pilot First‐ and Last‐Mile Connections
- Pilot Trip Reduction
- Bicycle Parking
- Bikeways
- Bike Share
- Infrastructure Improvements for Trip Reduction
- Telecommuting
Clean Air Vehicle Projects
- Alternative Fuel Light‐ and Medium‐Duty Vehicles
- Alternative Fuel Heavy‐Duty Trucks and Buses
- Alternative Fuel Infrastructure
All projects must meet Air District cost effectiveness and eligibility requirements or have a policy waiver pre-approved by the Transportation Authority and Air District staff before funds are programmed to the project.
Who Can Apply
Public agencies are eligible to apply for all project categories. Non-public entities may only be awarded TFCA grants for certain clean air vehicle projects (new alternative fuel vehicle and infrastructure projects) and some advanced technology demonstrations, but they may partner with public agencies for other project types.
Project Selection
Projects are selected based on the Transportation Authority's local prioritization criteria for the expenditure of TFCA funds, which were adopted by the Transportation Authority Board on February 25, 2025. The intent of the criteria is to maximize the air quality benefits to San Francisco while allowing room to test a variety of new and innovative strategies for achieving motor vehicle emission reductions.
Similar to last year, the Transportation Authority’s Local Expenditure Criteria include project type, cost effectiveness of emissions reduced, project readiness (e.g. ability to meet TFCA timely-use-of-funds), project delivery track record (including implementing, monitoring and reporting for prior TFCA projects), program diversity, community support (e.g. recommended in a community-based transportation plan, outreach conducted to identify locations and/or interested neighborhoods, or a letter of recommendation from district Supervisor), benefits to Equity Priority Communities, and investment from non-public project sponsors or partners (for projects where a non-public entity is the applicant or partner).
Application Materials
Each project application must include a completed Project Information Form and the Cost-Effectiveness Worksheet appropriate for the subject project.
Project Information Form
Fiscal Year 2025/26 Project Information Form (Excel)
Please note that San Francisco's TFCA Project Information Form requires some project scope, schedule, budget, and funding details that are not referenced in the Air District's Program Guidance document.
Cost-Effectiveness Worksheets
- Arterial Management Projects FYE 2026 (Excel)
- Vehicles 14,001 lbs + FYE 2026 (Excel)
- Vehicles 14,000 lbs & less FYE 2026 (Excel)
- Trip Reduction Projects FYE 2026 (Excel)
- Electric Vehicle Infrastructure FYE 2026 (Excel)
Please submit applications to tfca@sfcta.org.