Photo credit Sandipb, Flickr
Lake Merced Park is a 614-acre park in southwest San Francisco featuring a multi-use path that is a popular destination for walking and biking. Lake Merced is located in a Community of Concern, and is bordered by a segment of the city’s Vision Zero High Injury Network.
In June 2019, the Transportation Authority allocated Neighborhood Program funds to the SFMTA to study how to improve bike safety and access to and within the park.
The resulting Lake Merced Bikeway Feasibility Study was completed in January 2021. The primary goal of this study was to understand options for relieving congestion on the multi-use pathway around the lake. This study presents near-term options for adding bikeways at road level on streets adjacent to the lake and long-term options for widening the multi-use pathway around the lake.
In July 2021, the Transportation Authority allocated additional Neighborhood Program funds to SFMTA to build on the feasibility study and the ongoing Lake Merced Pedestrian Community Based Transportation Plan by planning and designing quick-build safety improvements focused on Lake Merced Blvd. from Skyline Blvd. to John Muir Dr. The goal of the quick-build is to identify two categories of safety improvements and position them for implementation in 2022:
- Spot improvements: may include improvements such as striping and crosswalk upgrades, additional signage, narrowing of traffic lanes, traffic beacons, and pedestrian refuge islands.
- Corridor-wide improvements: may include road lane reductions and new protected bike facilities.
Project/Study Partners
This project is funded by the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program, with planning and construction led by the SFMTA.
Timeline and Status
Lake Merced Feasibility Study:
- This project was completed in January 2021
Lake Merced Quick-Build:
- Project kickoff – July 2021
- Planning/Design – July- November 2021
- SFMTA Board Approval- December 2021
- Construction – Early 2022
Cost and Funding
This project is supported by the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program at the request of Transportation Authority Board Member Myrna Melgar (District 7), as well as former Board Member Norman Yee.
SFMTA Lake Merced Bikeway Feasibility Study
Prop K transportation sales tax funding request - Lake Merced Bikeway Feasibility Study (PDF)
SFMTA Lake Merced Pedestrian Safety Project
Prop K transportation sales tax funding request - Lake Merced Quick-Build (PDF)
Lake Merced Feasibility Study:
- Jeffrey Banks, SFMTA: jeffrey.banks@sfmta.com
Lake Merced Quick-Build:
- Shayda Haghgoo, SFMTA: shayda.haghgoo@sfmta.com