Photo by SFMTA Photography Department
The Transportation Authority developed the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan to prioritize and identify funding for transportation, pedestrian safety, bike safety, and traffic circulation improvements for the Ocean Avenue corridor between Junipero Serra Boulevard and San Jose Avenue.
At the request of Transportation Authority Board Member Myrna Melgar (District 7), the Transportation Authority convened a task force of residents, businesses, and community representatives to prioritize existing transportation concepts and identify new concepts to improve transportation along Ocean Avenue.
The task force held five meetings and considered feedback from public engagement to identify priority projects to recommend in the Action Plan to be carried forward for implementation. These projects are subject to additional design and public outreach before being implemented.
Read about the recommended projects
Project Goals
The goal of the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan was to document funding and implementation strategies for already identified improvements, develop new concepts, and prioritize two large-scale improvements and two to three small-scale improvements to advance for near-term project delivery.
Public outreach was conducted over the course of the year to gather feedback on previously developed concepts, new concepts developed as part of the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan, and relative priorities of these concepts.
Fall 2021 to Spring 2022
Goals, objectives, and evaluation framework
Spring 2022
Assemble existing concepts for review, public outreach
Summer 2022
Concept evaluation
Fall 2022
Public outreach
Fall 2022 to Spring 2023
Action Plan development
June 2023
Final Presentation and Report
Project Partners
The Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan was conducted in coordination with SFMTA, SF Department of Public Works, and SF Planning.
Cost and Funding
The project was funded by the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program and SFMTA Community Response Team funds at the request of District 7 Supervisor and Transportation Authority Board Member Myrna Melgar.
Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan Prop K Funding Request (PDF)
Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan Final Report (PDF)
Project Recommendations
The Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan Task Force was convened to develop a set of projects to recommend for advancement into subsequent stages of planning, design, and implementation. Transportation Authority staff provided a review of previous plans and studies conducted in the corridor and shared a toolkit of interventions for each concept, potential design options, transportation benefits, and planning cost estimates for the Task Force to consider.
The Task Force reviewed projects and public input, provided feedback to refine projects, and determined preferred design improvements for the recommended projects. The combined efforts of the Task Force and public input have resulted in the following list of projects to prioritize which includes two large projects and three small projects. See Task Force meeting summaries here.
The projects are representations of how to apply a toolkit of improvements and are subject to more technical work and public outreach to determine final designs.
The Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan final report was presented to the Transportation Authority Board in June of 2023.
Large projects
These large projects are representations of how to apply a toolkit of improvements and are subject to more technical work and public outreach.
Shared pedestrian and bike path improvements, with removal of the Ocean Avenue pedestrian bridge
This project would remove the Ocean Avenue pedestrian bridge, move the retaining wall, and create a shared pedestrian and bike path. Improvements would feature a new street crossing at the existing traffic signal and a continuous bike path between I-280 and the Frida/Ocean/Geneva intersection.
K Ingleside Muni Forward improvements (includes some parking space removal)
This project would increase transit capacity and improve reliability along the Muni K Ingleside. Improvements would feature two-car train platforms, transit signal priority, consolidated transit stops, and left turn restrictions. To provide space for extended train platforms, parking would be removed at some stops. The parking space removal of about 30-40 spaces would be partially offset by adding angled parking on Ocean Avenue and some side streets, pending further review. SFMTA will conduct an outreach process for this project in the future, visit their website for more information.
Small projects
These small projects are representations of how to apply a toolkit of improvements and are subject to more technical work and public outreach.
Ocean Avenue pedestrian safety improvements
This concept would improve safety and accessibility along the corridor for people walking and biking. Improvements would feature:
- Crosswalk warning signs to increase visibility of crosswalks
- Daylighting at intersections to improve visibility of pedestrians
- ADA compliant curb ramps and bulbouts to improve accessibility, shorten crossing distances, and slow vehicle speeds
- Left turn restrictions to help improve pedestrian safety
Crosswalk warning sign
Curb ramp and bulbout
Ocean Avenue speed management improvements
This concept would address high speeds, unpermitted turns, and mid-block U-turns. Improvements would feature:
- Changes to signals to make them more visible to nearby drivers
- Changes to signals to reduce speeding along the corridor
- Refreshing existing striping to make lane lines more visible
- Hardened centerlines to prevent unpermitted u-turns and wide left turns
- Vehicle speed feedback signs to increase driver awareness of actual vehicle speeds
High visibility traffic signal
Hardened centerline
Vehicle feedback sign
Bike connectivity improvements via Holloway Avenue (includes some parking space removal)
This concept would provide an alternative east-west connection between Balboa BART Station and Junipero Serra. There are four distinct segments to the route, which uses Ocean Avenue, Lee Avenue, and Holloway Avenue. Each segment would use a different combination of features.
- 1a. The western portion of Holloway between Ashton and Junipero Serra would include green bike lanes in both directions and traffic calming elements like traffic circles, pedestrian safety zones, bulbouts, and traffic diverters. Creating bike lanes in both directions would include a reduction of about 60 to 80 parking spots.
- 1b. The eastern portion of Holloway between Lee and Ashton would receive traffic calming elements including green sharrows, traffic circles, and traffic diverters.
- 1c. Lee Avenue between Ocean Avenue and Holloway would include green bike lanes in both directions, speed humps to slow speeds, and a bike box to give bikes priority at the intersection of Ocean Avenue. Creating continuous bike lanes on this segment would include a reduction of about 15 parking spaces.
- 1d. The Balboa BART Station to Ocean Avenue connection is proposed to receive a two-stage left turn to exit the BART station and green bike lane and sharrows along Ocean. A two-stage left turn would also be added to connect to Lee Avenue.
Pedestrian safety zone
Traffic diverter
Green sharrow
Traffic circle
Bike lane
Two-stage left turn
From the Balboa Station Area Plan to the Ocean Avenue Corridor Design project, the Ocean Avenue corridor has been the subject of many discussions regarding transit, pedestrian, and traffic improvements over the years. The purpose of this Task Force was to build upon past work and plans. Some projects have been completed or are underway and ongoing, but there are many more proposals that have not been implemented. The multifaceted needs of residents, merchants, families, students, and the City College campus community had amplified the necessity for creative solutions and the difficult decisions that must be made to address the growing needs of the corridor and the neighboring area. This process took a comprehensive approach by looking at the area holistically to also include the emerging needs and impacts of future growth from projects like the Balboa Reservoir, City College Master Plan, and Upper Yard/Balboa Park Mixed-Use Affordable Housing Project. The task force garnered community feedback to develop and prioritize proposals into an Action Plan.
Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan Task Force Members
Over the course of five total meetings, the Task Force advised Transportation Authority staff on the development of the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan. Task Force members were chosen by Transportation Authority Board Members Myrna Melgar (District 7) and Ahsha Safai (District 11) and represented a variety of residents, businesses, and community representatives active in the corridor.
Name | Affiliation |
Alice Guidry | Sunnyside Neighborhood Association |
Simon Chiu | Archbishop Riordan High School |
Alissa Buckley | Faculty, City College of San Francisco |
Jon Winston | Former Chair of Balboa Reservoir CAC, Sunnyside resident |
Emily Nguyen | District 11 Youth Commissioner, SF Transit Riders member, Lick Wilmerding student |
Dexter Washington | Aptos Middle School |
Simon Timothy | Advocates 11 (formerly Ingleside Senior Safety Advocates) |
Sabine Taliaferro | Ingleside Merchants Association |
Zack Deutsch-Gross | SF Transit Riders, District 11 resident |
Sara Barz | KidSafeSF, Sunnyside resident |
Heather Brandt | Associate Student Council Ocean |
Maurice Rivers | OMI Cultural Participation Project |
Yi Luo | District 11, Ocean resident, youth |
Pauline Jue | Westwood Park Association |
Public Engagement
To receive email updates about upcoming outreach opportunities and project updates, please sign up at the bottom of this page or visit this page and sign up for the "Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan."
Past Events
In partnership with the District 7 Office of Supervisor and Transportation Authority Board Member Myrna Melgar, we held a virtual town hall on October 13, 2022.
- Watch the recording in English
- See the English presentation (PDF)
- Watch the recording in Cantonese
- See the Chinese presentation (PDF)
- Watch the recording in Spanish
- See the Spanish presentation (PDF)
In partnership with the District 7 Office of Supervisor and Transportation Authority Board Member Myrna Melgar, we held a virtual town hall on June 15, 2022.
- Watch the recording in English
- See the English presentation (PDF)
- Watch the recording in Cantonese
- See the Chinese presentation (PDF)
Project staff attended Sunday Streets in the Excelsior on June 12, 2022. We shared information about the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan and distributed the survey.
Task Force Meeting Summaries
During the October 13, 2021 Task Force Meeting 1, Transportation Authority staff gave a presentation of the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan scope, objectives, task force roles throughout the project, and reviewed previous plans and studies conducted in the corridor. Staff asked for task force feedback on the project study area, initial thoughts for community engagement and feedback resulted in an adjustment to the study area to include the southeast portion of Westwood Park neighborhood (Miramar Avenue to Wildwood Way), a discussion of key needs in the corridor, and guidance for the upcoming community engagement plan. Staff concluded with next steps for the project.
During the February 16, 2022 Task Force Meeting 2, Transportation Authority staff gave a presentation that covered goals and projects from prior planning efforts and studies in the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan study area.
Staff presented proposed project goals and received full support from the Task Force members; the project goals are:
- Improve safety and connectivity for pedestrians, bicyclists
- Improve transit efficiency, reliability, and accessibility
- Manage congestion on streets, particularly at freeways
- Improve livability to support economic vitality and quality of life
Staff presented projects that had been proposed or identified in prior plans but had not been implemented and asked the task force for initial perspectives about these projects. After reviewing past projects, task force members shared new project ideas that are related to traffic calming, bike and pedestrian safety improvements, and reducing transit delay. These ideas were documented for future phases of the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan. Staff concluded with an overview of upcoming public outreach, which will take place in Spring/Summer 2022.
During the July 13, 2022 Task Force Meeting 3, Transportation Authority staff gave a presentation on outreach findings, how outreach findings shape the list of projects to advance, and the evaluation framework. While reviewing outreach findings, staff asked task force members to share feedback about how to expand the fall round of outreach with suggestions for new groups to speak with and for other ways to provide support.
The task force agreed to advance a list of seven project concepts for further development and evaluation. For each of the seven concepts, task force members discussed concepts in more detail to provide staff with additional considerations for the concept refinement process. The list of identified projects for advancement are:
- Pedestrian safety improvements (e.g. decorative crosswalks, pedestrian-scale lighting, and bulb-outs at intersections)
- Geneva pedestrian, transit, bike improvements
- Ocean Avenue corridor safety and speed management improvements
- Streetscape improvements (e.g. landscaping, tree planting)
- Bike safety improvements on Ocean Ave and connectivity improvements
- Muni Forward improvements
- Remove the Ocean Avenue pedestrian bridge, move the City College retaining wall, and construct a shared bike and pedestrian path
The meeting concluded with next steps, which include refining and evaluating project concepts to support upcoming outreach in the fall. The fall outreach will help further narrow the list of priority projects to advance in the Ocean Avenue Mobility Action Plan. The plan is expected to be complete by early 2023.
During the November 16, 2022 Task Force Meeting 4, Transportation Authority staff gave a presentation recapping task force activities so far, outreach findings from the second round of public engagement, and the small and large projects to be considered for advancement. While reviewing the small and large projects, staff asked task force members to share clarifying questions to help inform a vote to determine two large projects and three small projects to be advanced. Task force members were polled on the small and large projects.
For the large projects, the task force voted for the following two projects to be advanced:
- Shared pedestrian and bike path improvements
- K Ingleside Muni Forward improvements
For the small projects, the task force voted for two projects to be advanced. A third project is expected to be determined at the next task force meeting in early 2023.
- Ocean Avenue pedestrian safety improvements
- Ocean Avenue speed management improvements
Further technical analysis and refinement of the small projects will be developed over the coming months. Transportation Authority staff will present this additional information on small projects during the next task force meeting for task force members to consider and come to a consensus on the third large project for advancement in the Mobility Action Plan.
See materials from Task Force Meeting 4 (PDF)
During the February 23, 2023 Task Force Meeting 5, Transportation Authority staff presented alternative concepts for the Bike Connectivity and Geneva Multimodal Improvements concepts, developed based on feedback from Task Force Meeting 4. The Bike Connectivity concept featured bike priority treatments and protected bike lanes along Ocean Avenue, Lee Avenue, and Holloway Avenue which would create a complete east-west connection between the Balboa Park BART Station and Junipero Serra. The Geneva Multimodal Improvements concept, presented varying levels of transit, pedestrian, and bike improvements along Geneva Avenue between the Balboa Park BART station and Ocean Avenue.
Staff presented various configurations for both concepts and asked task force members to share clarifying questions and comments to inform a vote on their preferred configuration option for each concept. After task force members voted on their preferred configuration options for both of the concepts, members voted on the concept to advance for the Mobility Action Plan. Task force members voted to advance the concept that features bike connectivity improvements via Holloway Avenue as the final small project for the Mobility Action Plan.
The concept for multimodal improvements on Geneva was a runner up and had support from many Task Force members. The group prioritized a configuration that included pedestrian safety improvements, converting a general travel lane to a transit-only lane, and bike lanes on uphill segments (focused on the north side of the street).
The full set of projects prioritized by the Task Force for the Mobility Action Plan include:
Large projects:
- Shared pedestrian and bike path improvements, with removal of the Ocean Avenue pedestrian bridge
- K Ingleside Muni Forward improvements (includes some parking space removal)
Small projects:
- Ocean Avenue pedestrian safety improvements
- Ocean Avenue speed management improvements
- Bike connectivity improvements via Holloway Avenue (includes some parking space removal)
The projects are subject to additional technical work and public outreach.
Transportation Authority staff concluded with next steps for the project, which include finalizing concept recommendations, developing cost estimates, and developing a final report by summer 2023.