Photo: SFMTA Photography Department
People walking through the North Beach, Financial District, and Chinatown neighborhoods often cross the intersections of Columbus Avenue, Green Street, and Stockton Street, Kearny and Jackson streets, and Kearny and Washington streets, all of which are on San Francisco’s Vision Zero High Injury Network.
Through the District 3 Pedestrian Safety Improvements project, the SFMTA studied ways to make these intersections and nearby segments of Kearny Street safer and more convenient for people walking and more reliable for transit. The study considered improvements such as removing dual-turn lanes at intersections along Kearny Street between Post and Pine streets, installing improved crossings or pedestrian scrambles at the intersections of Columbus Avenue, Green Street, and Stockton Street, Kearny and Jackson streets, and Kearny and Washington streets, and consolidating Muni bus stops along Kearny Street between Market Street and Columbus Avenue. The Transportation Authority Board adopted the District 3 Pedestrian Safety Improvements Final Report (PDF) in July 2020. The SFMTA is now in the process of designing and implementing the study’s recommended improvements for the intersections of Columbus Avenue, Green Street, and Stockton Street and Kearny and Jackson streets.
The design and implementation phase of the District 3 Pedestrian Safety Improvements project will provide a new crosswalk at the intersection of Columbus Avenue, Green Street, and Stockton Street. This improvement will enhance safety and reduce the time required for people walking between the northeast and southwest corners of the intersection. A pedestrian scramble will be added to the intersection of Kearny and Jackson Streets, making it safer for people walking at the northeast corner of Portsmouth Square. This pedestrian scramble will complement other pedestrian scrambles implemented or planned at the neighboring intersections of Kearny and Clay Streets, Kearny and Jackson Streets, and Kearny and Washington Streets.
Project/Study Partners
This project is funded by the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program and is led by the SFMTA.
Timeline and Status
October - July 2020: Planning and Conceptual Engineering
January 2020 - June 2020: Environmental Studies
July 2020: Final Report Adopted by Transportation Authority Board
April 2020 - December 2020: Design Engineering
July 2020 - Summer 2021: Construction
Cost and Funding
This project was funded by the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program at the request of Transportation Authority Board Chair Aaron Peskin (District 3).
District 3 Pedestrian Safety Improvements - Planning Prop K Allocation Funding Request (PDF)
Resolution outlining updated scope of work and schedule (PDF)
District 3 Pedestrian Safety Improvements Study Final Report (PDF)