A large community-wide revitalization project is underway in the Potrero Hill neighborhood and promises to bring a number of transformational land use, housing, and transportation changes to the Potrero Terrace and Annex public housing sites over the next decade. Meanwhile, streets in the existing site are too wide given the low traffic volumes and many of intersections are lacking basic amenities such as crosswalks.
SFMTA’s Potrero Hill Pedestrian Safety and Transit Stop Improvements project will include roadway and public space improvements to enhance pedestrian safety, improve access to transit stops, reduce both intersection crossing distances and traffic speeds, and provide new community gathering areas.
The scope of work includes the following activities:
- Intersection pedestrian safety enhancements
- Walking school bus path
- Community mural
This project was recommended through the Transportation Authority’s 2015 Potrero Hill Neighborhood Transportation Plan (PDF), in partnership with SF Planning and BRIDGE Housing. These improvements will be implemented in the near term and will allow residents to benefit from the improvements ahead of the Rebuild Potrero project.
The Potrero Hill neighborhood is a Community of Concern that has a high percentage of people of color and a high percentage of low income households.
Project/Study Partners
- SF Public Works
- SF Planning
- BRIDGE Housing
The main goals of the project are to provide traffic calming, pedestrian safety, and upgrades at intersections along the walking school bus and at key transit stops.
Timeline and Status
The Potrero Hill Pedestrian Safety and Transit Stop Improvements project is expected to be completed by fall 2022.
In addition to Prop K sales tax funds, the project is also supported by SF Planning General Fund, and Lifeline Transportation Program, a grant program administered by the Transportation Authority to fund projects improving mobility for low-income residents, specifically to address issues identified through focused outreach on the target population.
SF Planning presentation, February 9, 2017 (PDF)
Potrero Hill Neighborhood Transportation Plan, 2015 (PDF)
Prop K sales tax funding request (PDF)