Uncontrolled Pedestrian Crossing on Fulton Street

Photo: SFMTA Photography Department


Bordering the northern edge of Golden Gate Park, Fulton Street is crossed by thousands of people walking or biking to the park everyday and serves as a main thoroughfare for people riding transit or driving through the Richmond District. Building on community feedback gathered by the SF Planning Department for the Richmond District Strategy, SFMTA studied ways to improve safety for people walking or biking across the 1.5 miles of Fulton Street between Stanyan and La Playa streets, segments of which are located on San Francisco’s Vision Zero High Injury Network

In September 2020, the Transportation Authority allocated funds to SFMTA to implement the designs and recommendations identified through Fulton Street Safety Project study. Improvements include the following:

  • Adding or extending red painted curbs at the crosswalks at 34 intersections to make everyone on the street easier to see
  • Implementing painted safety zones at 14 locations 
  • Adding signalized bike connections to Golden Gate Park at 10th and 22nd avenues
  • Paving an existing dirt path in Golden Gate Park at 22nd Avenue
  • Installing a westbound speed radar sign approaching 41st Avenue

Project/Study Partners

This project is funded by the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program and led by SFMTA. 

Cost and Funding

The Transportation Authority's Neighborhood Program is funding the Fulton Street Safety Project with $318,736 in Prop K half-cent sales tax funds. This project was requested by Transportation Authority Board Member Sandra Lee Fewer (District 1).

Timeline and Status 

  • Planning/ Conceptual Engineering: July 2019 - June 2020
  • Environmental Studies: April 2020 - June 2020
  • Design Engineering: January 2020 - June 2020
  • Start Construction: October - December 2020
  • Open for Use: January - March 2021


Fulton Street Safety Project - Planning/Conceptual Engineering Phase Prop K transportation sales tax funding request (PDF)

Fulton Street Safety Project - Construction Phase Prop K sales tax funding request (PDF)

SF Planning Richmond District Strategy

SFMTA Fulton Street Safety and Transit Project

Richmond District Strategy Community Needs Assessment

Central Richmond Traffic Safety project

Fulton MuniForward project


Anna Harkman, SFMTA, anna.harkman@sfmta.com

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