Photo: SFMTA Photography Department
The Arguello Boulevard Safety Project aims to increase safety for people biking and walking along Arguello Boulevard.
In designing safety treatments, the SFMTA is incorporating community feedback on specific issues along Arguello Boulevard, input from the District Supervisor’s office, and collision records for vehicles, pedestrians, and people on bikes.
Near-term Improvements
Near-term improvements, implemented in 2016, included paint treatments to increase the visibility of pedestrians and people on bikes, buffered bike lanes to further separate bikes from motor vehicles, and safer intersection crossings for everyone on Arguello Boulevard.
Long-term Improvements
Long-term improvements are being implemented in coordination with an SF Public Works paving project and a signal improvement project funded with revenue from the Prop K transportation sales tax and Prop AA vehicle registration fee. Specific improvements include concrete pedestrian refuge islands, median improvements, bulb-outs, a transit boarding island, and bike lane improvements.
As part of the long-term improvements, additional Neighborhood Program funds were allocated in 2018 to install a painted pedestrian safety zone at the Arguello/Cabrillo intersection and insert long-lasting green paint treatments in the bike lanes and bike boxes along Arguello Boulevard between Fulton Street and West Pacific Avenue.
The project is expected to be complete in summer 2019.
Project Funding
This project was funded by the Transportation Authority's Neighborhood Program.
District 1 Neighborhood Program Final Report, 2017 (PDF)
Prop K transportation sales tax funding request (PDF), planning
Prop K transportation sales tax funding request (PDF), near-term improvements
Prop K transportation sales tax funding request (PDF), long-term improvements
Paul Stanis, SFMTA: Paul.Stanis@sfmta.com