28R route on 19th Avenue

Photo by SFMTA Photography Department

The 19th Avenue Combined City Project is anticipated to begin construction on the first segment of 19th Avenue between Lincoln Way and Noriega Street this month. This project, supported by Transportation Authority funding, is being completed in four segments in an effort to minimize the construction impacts of the project.

Segment Construction Zone Duration
1 Lincoln Way to Noriega Street 13.5 months (Begins November 2020)
2 Noriega Street to Taraval Street 10.5 months
3 Taraval Street to Eucalyptus Drive 15.5 months
4 Eucalyptus Drive to Hollway Avenue 7.5 months

Note: Construction may happen concurrently at multiple segments. 

This multi-agency project led by SF Public Works will replace aging infrastructure and improve safety along 19th Avenue. 19th Avenue is a high-injury corridor with one of the highest rates of severe and fatal traffic injuries in San Francisco. As a part of this project, SFMTA will implement transit and pedestrian safety improvements along the corridor, including increased frequency and reliability of bus service, sidewalk widening at bus stops, consolidating bus stops to make stop spacing more even, and widening the sidewalk at corners to support pedestrian safety. The project will also include water main and sewer main replacement, Auxiliary Water Supply Service upgrades, street base repairs, and traffic signal work. The project is expected to be completed in 2023. 

The Transportation Authority supported the project with over $4 million in Prop K half-cent sales tax funds.  

For more information and to sign up for project updates, visit sfpublicworks.org/19th-Avenue


28 19th Ave Rapid Project