A parent with two kids and a stroller wait at the corner of Chestnut and Fillmore, while a young woman pushes an elderly woman in a wheelchair in the crosswalk.

Photo by SFMTA Photography Department

The Transportation Authority is exploring ways to improve safety and access to parks, schools, hospitals, and recreational areas for children, seniors, and people with disabilities in District 2 as part of a District 2 Safety Study requested by Transportation Authority Board Member Catherine Stefani. The study will use data and community feedback to identify top needs in the Marina, Pacific Heights, Presidio Heights, Cathedral Hill, Laurel Village, Jordan Park, and North of the Panhandle neighborhoods, and will develop a toolkit of safety improvements and implementation plans for priority locations.

The study is part of the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program and is being conducted in collaboration with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency.

We want to hear from you!

Save the date and join us at a virtual town hall to share your feedback. 
Date: Thursday, June 13
Time: 6 to 7:30 p.m. 
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81618030256
Meeting ID: 816 1803 0256
One tap mobile
+16694449171,,81618030256# US
+16699006833,,81618030256# US (San Jose)

Interpretation will be available in Spanish and Chinese.

Give feedback through a survey (closes July 14). 

Join us at a pop-up event.

  • Check our website for future pop-up events.

Learn more about the project, upcoming events, and sign up for email updates at sfcta.org/d2safety.


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The District 2 Safety Study will address safety challenges and barriers to access on routes to land uses that attract children, seniors, and other vulnerable road users including parks, schools, hospitals, and recreational areas. The study will create a toolkit of safety improvements and guidance for implementation. The funding for this study includes implementation of study recommendations as a combination of quick-build or permanent construction.