Photo by Ed Brownson, flickr
San Francisco’s transportation needs continually evolve as the city grows and changes. To keep up with that evolution - and plan for the future - the Transportation Authority updates the San Francisco Transportation Plan every four years.
The San Francisco Transportation Plan is the citywide long-range investment and policy blueprint for every transportation mode and operator, and all streets and freeways in San Francisco. The San Francisco Transportation Plan is part of the ConnectSF long-range transportation planning program and will be adopted by our Transportation Authority board in fall 2022.
We want your help shaping the plan. Give us your feedback on spending priorities.
- Take our survey (closes May 5, 2022):
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-Filipino (Filipino)
This San Francisco Transportation Plan 2050 update builds upon technical work and public outreach conducted for the Vision, Needs Assessment and Modal Studies phases of ConnectSF. During the ConnectSF process, a multi-agency team worked with the public to determine concepts to address the long-term needs and solutions for improving our streets, freeways, active transportation networks and transit systems. The recently completed Transit Strategy and Streets and Freeways Strategy are available on the ConnectSF website.