The Vision Zero Quick-Build Program installs quick-to-deliver reversible and adjustable traffic measures to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety on the Vision Zero High Injury Network, the 13% of city streets that account for 75% of severe injuries and deaths. These quick-build measures may include painted safety zones, protected bike lanes, transit boarding islands, parking and loading changes, and more.
Evans Avenue is located in the Bayview neighborhood on San Francisco’s Vision Zero High Injury Network. The SFMTA is wrapping up the Evans Avenue Quick-Build Project which aims to improve traffic safety for people walking, biking, driving, or taking transit along Evans Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and Third Street.
The Evans Ave Quick-Build project features:
- A road diet from two travel lanes in each direction to one travel lane in each direction
- Leading pedestrian intervals to give pedestrians a head-start to begin crossing
- High-visibility crosswalks
- Transit boarding islands
- Painted safety zones
- A westbound protected bikeway
- Parking and loading adjustments
As part of the quick-build program, SFMTA will evaluate projects by collecting data through tailored evaluation strategies to compare travel behavior before and after the installation of quick-build measures. Evaluation results may be used to further refine project designs or be applied to projects at other locations. SFMTA will plan to evaluate the newly installed transportation safety improvements early next year.
The SFMTA will also begin construction for the Battery/Sansome Quick-Build Project which will implement a two-way protected bikeway, a road diet, turn restrictions, advanced limit lines, daylighting, high-visibility crosswalks, and more to improve safety for all users along Battery and Sansome Streets from Market and Vallejo Streets. The project is expected to be complete by the end of 2022.
The Transportation Authority has supported Vision Zero quick-build improvements with over $5.5 million in funding from the half-cent sales tax for transportation and the TNC tax to fund the design, construction, and implementation of Vision Zero quick-build improvements phases.
Learn more about the quick-build projects on SFMTA’s website below.
Vision Zero Quick-Build Projects (SFMTA)
Evans Avenue Quick-Build Project (SFMTA)
Battery/Sansome Quick-Build Project (SFMTA)