Photo by SFMTA Photography Department
Visitacion Valley is tucked away in the southeastern part of San Francisco is a history-rich neighborhood home to many equity priority communities. McLaren Park borders Visitacion Valley and features multi-use paths for bicyclists and pedestrians, sweeping views of the city, many trails, playgrounds, picnic areas, and more.
This month the Metropolitan Transportation Commission awarded $750,000 to the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department to support the Visitacion Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Improvement Project. This funding will support the environmental review and construction of new pedestrian and bicycle facilities in southeastern McLaren Park to slow traffic, provide improved access to Visitacion Valley Middle School, and better connect Visitacion Valley and Sunnydale neighborhoods to McLaren Park.
The Transportation Authority supported the development of the Visitacion Valley and Portola Community Based Transportation Plan with over $400,000 in Neighborhood Program funds, which recommended improvements such as speed humps/cushions, lighting, crosswalk flashing beacons, raised crosswalks, pedestrian bulbouts, new bikeways, and Muni stop improvements.