A car and bus driving on the new repaved street

Street safety improvements and new paving are coming to 19th Avenue, thanks to the Senate Bill 1 Gas Tax and San Francisco's half-cent sales tax for transportation.

Just last week, Caltrans finished repaving lower 19th Avenue from Holloway to John Daly Boulevard. The state will repave the Lincoln Way to Holloway segment of 19th Avenue after the City completes transit safety and infrastructure upgrades in 2022.

The City’s 19th Avenue Combined City project will improve safety and replace aging infrastructure along 19th Avenue. SF Public Works is leading the project in collaboration with Caltrans, SFMTA, the SF Public Utilities Commission and Transportation Authority.

The project includes pedestrian safety and transit reliability improvements on the 19th Avenue Vision Zero High Injury Corridor by adding pedestrian sidewalk extensions, curb ramps, and transit bus bulbs between Lincoln Way and Holloway Avenue. New signals at the intersections of 19th Avenue and Moraga, Wawona, Sloat, and Winston will increase safety for all travelers. The project also includes below ground water and sewer upgrades.

The Transportation Authority supported this project with $1,217,000 in funds from San Francisco’s half-cent sales tax for transportation.