Pedestrians on a sidewalk waiting to cross the street

Photo for illustrative purposes only, photo by SFMTA Photography Department

SF Public Works has completed pedestrian safety and access improvements at Jones Street and Ellis Street including adding two sidewalk extensions and four new curb ramps at the busy intersection. In addition, the agency installed a raised crosswalk at 8th Street and Minna Street. Both projects are located along the Vision Zero High Injury Network, the 13% of city streets that account for 75% of severe injuries and deaths.

The Transportation Authority supported these improvements with $700,000 in Prop AA vehicle registration fee funds. Prop AA is a voter-approved $10 annual vehicle registration fee that funds local street repair and reconstruction, pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements, and transit reliability and mobility improvements throughout San Francisco. The Transportation Authority administers the Prop AA program, which generates nearly $5 million per year and is used to support high-impact transportation projects that provide tangible benefits in the near term.

Learn more about projects funded by Prop AA