Photo by Sergio Ruiz
On July 19, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to place the 2022 Transportation Expenditure Plan and sales tax extension on the November ballot. This sales tax renewal ballot measure would extend the current half-cent sales tax for transportation for 30 years. The Transportation Authority has administered the transportation sales tax program since it was first approved by voters in 1989 (Prop B) and renewed by voters in 2003 (Prop K).
The 2022 Transportation Expenditure Plan outlines $2.6 billion in expenditures and was shaped by an Expenditure Plan Advisory Committee made up of a diverse group of community members representing neighborhood, business, labor, civic, and environmental groups.
Key transportation improvements in the Expenditure Plan include:
- Roadway paving, traffic signals, and signs
- Active transportation including pedestrian safety and bicycle facilities
- Transit maintenance and enhancement projects for Muni, BART, and Caltrain
- Paratransit services for seniors and persons with disabilities
- Community-based projects, including in underserved neighborhoods and areas with vulnerable populations
- Projects to improve freeway safety
The plan also includes critical matching funds to state and federal infrastructure grant programs for major capital projects such as the Caltrain Downtown Rail Extension and highway ramp and bridge projects.
In total, the Expenditure Plan invests approximately $2.6 billion and is expected to leverage 4-7 times that amount in federal and state funds over 30 years, in the following areas:
Summary of 2022 Transportation Expenditure Plan (PDF)
Detailed 2022 Transportation Expenditure Plan (PDF)
The sales tax has already helped fund programs like paratransit and Safe Routes to School, as well as deliver major capital projects such as the Presidio Parkway, Salesforce Transit Center, Caltrain electrification, BART station improvements, and Muni fleet and facilities, as well as traffic calming projects and new street trees throughout the city.
Read more Sales Tax Stories from everyday San Franciscans about improvements that were funded by the sales tax program in their neighborhoods.
An extensive public outreach effort that began last year played a significant role in developing the 2022 Transportation Expenditure Plan. Public outreach included focus groups, virtual town hall meetings, presentations to neighborhood groups, and a survey.
Outreach Findings for New Expenditure Plan (PDF)
In addition, the Transportation Authority convened an Expenditure Plan Advisory Committee composed of 27 members from neighborhoods, community groups, advocacy organizations, and business and civic groups. The group met over the course of six months to discuss and ultimately reach unanimous consensus on the top funding priorities.
List of Expenditure Plan Advisory Committee Members (PDF)
Learn more about the 2022 Expenditure Plan
Press Release: Transportation Authority Board Gives Initial Approval to New 2022 Expenditure Plan
Equity Assessment for a New Sales Tax Expenditure Plan (PDF)
Equity Assessment: Findings & Recommendations Presentation, Sep 2021 (PDF)