The Upper Market Street Safety Project led by the SFMTA will install sidewalk and roadway improvements on Market Street from Octavia Blvd/Central Freeway ramp to Castro Street, a one-mile stretch of the City’s Vision Zero High Injury Network. The project is a culmination of prior neighborhood planning efforts including the Upper Market Street 2009 Community Vision and Recommendations and the Market-Octavia Area Plan
The Transportation Authority is providing $2.8 million in Prop K half-cent sales tax and Neighborhood Program funds, at the request of Commissioner/Board Member Mandelman.
Improvements for this project will include:
- Sidewalk extensions and ADA accessibility upgrades at seven intersections
- Traffic signal upgrades
- New/upgraded bike parking and bikeway features, including protected bike lanes and new bike racks
- Enhanced transit access, including widened transit platform and shorter crosswalks
- Streetscape enhancements, including lighting of center median palm trees, decorative crosswalks, tree replacement and maintenance, and a new median island
The SF Department of Public Works will begin work in 2021 and the project is expected to be open for use in December 2022.