Aerial view of Southgate Interchange project

In June 2024, the Transportation Authority was awarded the Interchange Project of the Year Award for the Yerba Buena Island / I-80 Southgate Road and Interchange Project by the California Transportation Foundation. This project reconstructed the I-80 eastbound off- and on-ramps to and from Yerba Buena Island and features an innovative design that enhances safety and multi-modal traffic circulation.

The Federal Highway Bridge Program and State Prop 1B program funded the $63.7 million project, with local matching funds provided by the Bay Area Toll Authority and the Treasure Island Development Authority.

The Southgate Interchange project is part of a larger effort to replace and retrofit key roads and ramps that connect the I-80 (the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge) and Yerba Buena Island.

Developed in collaboration with the Treasure Island Development Authority, Caltrans and Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA), the Southgate project features include an intricate design that has improved traveler safety for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians and enhanced traffic circulation on a challenging site by:

  • Upgrading the I-80 Bay Bridge eastbound off-ramp to seismic standards and building connections to the Transportation Authority’s YBI East Side Ramps Project that provided new westbound Bay Bridge access to the Islands in 2016;
  • Separating local vehicle traffic heading to westbound and eastbound I-80/Bay Bridge lanes and minimizing conflicts with cyclists and pedestrians; 
  • Creating dedicated bicycle and pedestrian facilities that connect East Bay travelers arriving to Yerba Buena Island Vista Point (from the Bay Bridge East Span Bike/Pedestrian path) to Treasure Island via Macalla Road; and
  • Managing vehicular speed while ensuring that all motor vehicle and truck movements are accommodated in the area.


For more information, here is the press release: Transportation Authority Southgate Road Project Wins Interchange Project of the Year.