During the July 27 Transportation Authority Board meeting, our board approved over $10 million in San Francisco’s voter-approved half-cent sales tax for transportation to support the SFMTA’s SF Paratransit program. SF Paratransit is a service of SFMTA that provides van and taxi services to people with disabilities who are unable to use public transit independently. Every year, SF Paratransit provides about 800,000 passenger trips for approximately 14,000 registered clients.
Since 2004, the Transportation Authority has supported the SF Paratransit program every year with approximately $10 million in half-cent sales tax for transportation. The funding covers over one-third of the operation costs for accessible taxis, pre-scheduled van trips, inter-county trips, and group van trips to senior centers. The funding will also support SFMTA’s Ramp Taxi Incentive Program, which provides financial incentives to drivers and companies to increase the supply of wheelchair-accessible ramp taxis available through the paratransit program.
Learn more about the SF Paratransit program on SFMTA’s website and check out our Sales Tax Stories.