Kids crossing the street at Geary

Photo by SFMTA Photography Department

The Transportation Authority Board approved funding to support two projects in the Western Addition to upgrade traffic signals and improve pedestrian safety this month.

Western Addition Traffic Signal Upgrades 

This $11 million project, led by the SFMTA, will provide traffic-signal related safety improvements at 16 locations in Western Addition, with six locations on the Vision Zero High Injury Network. The Transportation Authority is supporting the City’s nomination of this project with $3,179,500 in SB1 Local Partnership Program Formula funds and a future allocation of $1,195,859 in half-cent transportation sales tax. 

These upgrades will include two new pedestrian signals, higher visibility traffic signals, updated curb ramps, and more. These upgrades were prioritized during outreach from the Western Addition Community-Based Transportation Plan, funded through the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program and Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s Community Based Transportation Planning Grant Program.

View the resolution (PDF) (See pages 13-14 for a map and locations of the traffic signal upgrades) 

Buchanan Mall Bulb-outs

The Western Addition’s Buchanan Mall, adjacent to the African-American Arts and Culture Complex, the Ella Hill Hutch Community Center, and many apartment buildings, will also see new pedestrian safety improvements at the intersections of Buchanan Street and Golden Gate Avenue and Buchanan Street and Turk Street. 

Led by SF Public Works, this project will include sidewalk widening, new bulb-outs with ADA curb ramps, and utility and drainage relocation. The project will benefit the neighborhood by enhancing community connections to recreational spaces as recommended through the Western Addition Community-Based Transportation Plan and is expected to be complete by March 2022. The Transportation Authority is supporting this project with $676,000 in District 5 Neighborhood Program funds. 


View the Western Addition Community-Based Transportation Plan (PDF)

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The Western Addition Community-Based Transportation Plan brought local residents, community organizations and transportation agencies together to address the neighborhood’s transportation challenges.

The Buchanan Mall Bulb-outs project will enhance safety and connectivity for people walking to the Buchanan mall and surrounding neighborhood by implementing improvements at two intersections, as evaluated and recommended in the Western Addition Community Based Transportation Plan.

Our Neighborhood Program supports neighborhood-scale planning efforts and project implementation in each supervisorial district.