SFCTA Offices, 1455 Market Street, 22nd Floor

Geary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Citizens Advisory Committee (GCAC)

Meeting 33  packet  agenda

Date: Thursday, January 4, 2017; 6:00 p.m.

Location: SFCTA Offices, 1455 Market Street, 22nd Floor

Members: Cyndi Bakir, Asher Butnik, Paul Chan, Joanna Fong, Peter Gallotta, Richard Hashimoto, Benjamin Horne, Jolsna John, Angela Paige Miller, William Newsom, Alexander Post, Kevin Stull


6:00 1. Committee Meeting Call to Order

6:05 2. Adoption of Minutes of the November 17 Meeting – ACTION*  minutes

6:10 3. Updates and Announcements – INFORMATION

6:15 4. Adopt a Motion of Support to Certify the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Geary Corridor Bus Rapid Transit Project; Adopt the CEQA Findings including a Statement of Overriding Considerations; Adopt the Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program; Approve the Hybrid Alternative as the Geary Corridor Bus Rapid Transit Project; and Select the Hybrid Alternative as the Locally Preferred Alternative – ACTION*  memo  enclosure

The purpose of the Geary Corridor Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project is to improve the speed, reliability, and quality of public transportation service along the Geary corridor while also increasing pedestrian safety, enhancing the streetscape, and maintaining multimodal circulation. In partnership with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, and as lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Transportation Authority has prepared a Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Geary Corridor BRT Project. The Geary Corridor BRT Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) published on October 2, 2015 evaluated four build alternatives encompassing side- and center- bus lane designs, and a no-build alternative. The Draft EIS/EIR identified the Hybrid Alternative, which includes segments of side-running and center-running dedicated bus lanes, as the Staff-Recommended Alternative. The Final EIR includes responses to comments received during the Draft EIS/EIR public comment period and incorporates minor design modifications to the Hybrid Alternative in response to the comments received. The Final EIR was published on December 9, 2016 via notifications in multiple formats and languages including a radius mailing along the corridor. The Geary Corridor BRT Citizens Advisory Committee has overseen the project from its inception and will meet on January 4, 2017 to consider a recommendation regarding certification of the Geary Corridor BRT EIR, Project approval, and selection of the Locally Preferred Alternative.

7:30 5. Next Steps and SFMTA CAC Formation – INFORMATION+

The Geary BRT project lead will transition from the Transportation Authority to SFMTA together with completion of the environmental review phase. To facilitate ongoing and in-depth community input through the design and construction phases, SFMTA will form a new Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) and a separate Business Advisory Committee (BAC). The project team will provide an overview of outreach to be conducted during future project phases, including the formation of the new CAC and BAC. We are seeking comments and input from the Committee.

7:45 7. Public Comment

8:00 8. Adjournment


* Materials attached.

+ Materials distributed at meeting

This meeting location is wheelchair accessible. In order to allow individuals with environmental illness or multiple-chemical sensitivity to attend the meeting, individuals are requested to refrain from wearing perfume or other scented products. All times shown are for information only. Items will be called at the discretion of the Moderator.