Transportation Authority, 1455 Market Street, Floor 22

Members: Kat Siegal (Chair), Sara Barz, Rosa Chen, Najuawanda Daniels, Mariko Davidson, Phoebe Ford, Sean Kim, Jerry Levine, Austin Milford-Rosales, and Rachael Ortega


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Public Comment During the Meeting

To make public comment on an item, when the item is called, members of the public participating by Zoom wishing to speak should use the “raise hand” feature or dial *9. When called upon, unmute yourself or dial *6. In order to get the full Zoom experience, please make sure your application is up to date.

Remote Participation

Members of the public may attend the meeting and provide public comment at the physical meeting location listed above or may join the meeting remotely through the Zoom link provided above.

Members of the public may comment on the meeting during public comment periods in person or remotely. In person public comment will be taken first; remote public comment will be taken after.

Written public comment may be submitted prior to the meeting by emailing the Clerk of the Transportation Authority at or sending written comments to Clerk of the Transportation Authority, 1455 Market Street, 22nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103. Written comments received by 5 p.m. the day before the meeting will be distributed to committee members before the meeting begins.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Chair’s Report – INFORMATION
  3. Election of Vice Chair for 2024 — ACTION
  4. Approve the Minutes of the January 24, 2024 Meeting — ACTION *
  5. Adopt a Motion of Support to Allocate $1,440,000 and Appropriate $108,000 in Prop L Funds, with Conditions, for Four Requests — ACTION*
    Projects: SFMTA: Mission Street SoMa Transit Improvements ($1,200,000), Vision Zero Left Turn Traffic Calming ($100,000), Vision Zero Speed Limit Reduction ($100,000). Multi-sponsor: TDM Strategic Plan Update (Transportation Authority $108,000, SFMTA $40,000).
  6. State and Federal Legislation Update — INFORMATION*

Other Items

  1. Introduction of New Items – INFORMATION
    During this segment of the meeting, CAC Members may make comments on items not specifically listed above or introduce or request items for future consideration.
  2. Public Comment
  3. Adjournment