The proposed Quint-Jerrold Connector Road will reestablish a connection between Oakdale Avenue and Jerrold Avenue via a new road along the west side of the Caltrain tracks. The new Quint Street segment will:
- Restore access eliminated by the construction of a Caltrain berm
- Support a potential new Caltrain station at Oakdale Avenue
- Provide access to the surrounding neighborhood
Vehicles traveling between Oakdale and Jerrold currently use Phelps Street, which runs past many homes and was not designed to handle significant traffic. Residents along Phelps have raised concerns about safety and increased noise. Reestablishing the segment of Quint Street that was cut off will provide a safer, more direct connection between Oakdale and Jerrold avenues. Moreover, the Quint-Jerrold Connector Road is part of a package of projects necessary to supporting a potential a new Caltrain station in the neighborhood.
The Transportation Authority and San Francisco Public Works are collaborating on a design for the new road. The proposed design facilitates local vehicle and truck travel and pedestrian access, featuring one traffic lane in each direction and a sidewalk on the west side. The project will also upgrade street lighting and install new landscaping in coordination with adjacent properties.
Project/Study Partners
The Transportation Authority is working closely with San Francisco Public Works, SFMTA, the Planning Department, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, and the Office of Real Estate to complete conceptual design, environmental review, and initial right-of-way negotiations for the connector road.
Timeline & Status
The Quint-Jerrold Connector Road Project is in the right-of-way acquisition phase. The project team is negotiating with the property owner. The project team also held discussions with utility companies that have easements on the site. If negotiation is successful and if funding to purchase the property can be secured, the acquisition could be completed by 2026. The project team would then proceed to design, and construction could start in 2027.
Cost & Funding
Total project cost is approximately $19.5 million. The project has received $2.7 million in half-cent sales tax funds from the San Francisco County Transportation Authority and has a commitment of approximately $4.7 million in additional half-cent sales tax funds. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission has committed $4.125 million to the project.
Caltrain Quint Street Project webpage
SF Public Works led the conceptual design of the Connector Road with support from the Transportation Authority and SFMTA. The design allows for one travel lane in each direction and a sidewalk along the west side of the street.
Intersection Design
The intersection of the Connector Road with Jerrold Avenue will be integrated with the modified intersection of Jerrold Avenue with Rankin Street and Innes Avenue that is planned as part of the San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market expansion project. The intersection with Jerrold Avenue also will accommodate trucks, although some movements would require wide turns.
In response to community input, agency staff has refined the intersection design to permit turns in all directions, including northbound from the Connector Road to Jerrold Avenue. With this change, the Connector Road is able to serve all traffic that currently uses Quint Street.
Streetscape Enhancements
Also in response to community feedback and the desire to have the Connector Road represent an enhancement over the existing Quint Street, the agencies have incorporated upgraded street lighting and trees along the sidewalk on the west side of the street and additional landscaping along the east side adjacent to the berm. We are working to coordinate landscaping and streetscape improvements with the San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market, which constructed a building alongside the Connector Road right-of-way.
The Caltrain bridge over Quint Street in the Bayview was more than 100 years old and at the end of its useful life. In March 2014, based on results of an inspection that revealed significant deterioration, Caltrain determined that emergency repairs to the bridge were needed. The interim repairs were completed in May 2014. Although those immediate repairs did not require Quint Street to be closed at that time, this development led to an expedited timeline for replacing the existing bridge.
The proposed bridge replacement—a berm—was the design approach selected by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority Board in July 2013 after considering various other alternatives. The berm was found to be the best solution to balance the need to find a cost effective solution that supports a potential Caltrain Station at Oakdale Avenue, and one that is compatible with adjacent land uses and vehicular access.
Caltrain completed replacement of the Quint Street Bridge with a new berm. The City is now planning to follow up Caltrain's project with the Quint-Jerrold Connector Road along the west side of the Caltrain tracks. This project will provide alternate access across the tracks to Jerrold Avenue via a new road.
In recent years the project team has collected feedback from the local community and provided updates to the Bayview Hunters Point Citizen Advisory Committee. The team has also presented the project at the Transportation Authority Citizens Advisory Committee, Southern Waterfront Advisory Committee, and Southeast Community Facility Commission. These meetings have allowed for discussion and public comment. The team has also worked closely with the San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market adjacent to the project on design features and on plans for the street reconfiguration.
Between 2011 and 2014 the Transportation Authority, Caltrain, and partner agencies conducted five rounds of community outreach. The agencies held several open houses noticed in Chinese, Spanish, and English, meetings with community groups, and discussions with stakeholders about the bridge replacement and options under consideration.
Over the course of outreach, the community raised several key issues that our staff worked to address:
- Intersection design. The design of the Connector Road intersection with Jerrold Avenue previously did not allow northbound left turns from the Connector Road onto Jerrold. Stakeholders asked staff to rework the intersection design to permit turns in all directions and ease truck turning movements.
- Connector Road enhancements. The agencies were asked to incorporate design enhancements, such as enhanced lighting and landscaping.
- Project schedules and temporary closure. Residents expressed concerns about the length of a temporary closure during construction and asked that the Connector Road be built before the existing Quint Street is closed. Though we hoped to begin construction of the road first, the bridge deterioration identified in March 2014 necessitated that it be replaced as soon as possible.
- Local Job Opportunities. Community members emphasized the importance of ensuring that the Bridge Replacement and Connector Road projects provide local job and contracting opportunities.
Over the course of the project, the agencies involved have refined plans and project designs to incorporate the feedback we received and to address the issues raised by the community. As design work proceeds, we remain committed to these essential project elements.
Documents related to a new Caltrain Station at Oakdale Avenue:
Ridership Study, 2014 (PDF)