Proposition L Local Transportation Sales Tax
RECIPIENT shall demonstrate compliance with the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY’S attribution and signage requirements as a mandatory condition for authorization of Prop L reimbursement for project expenses. Logo files and brand guide are available at
Construction Signage
Required Attribution and Acknowledgement of TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Funding for Construction Capital Projects with Prop L funding on any eligible Project Phase(s) (e.g., Planning/Preliminary Engineering, Environmental, Specifications and Estimates, and Construction).
Prior to public display of signage, the RECIPIENT shall submit for TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY review and approval the design of the proposed attribution and signage identifying Prop L Funds and the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY as a funding source, as described below. Exceptions may be made at the sole discretion of the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY.
Upon initiation of field work or at the earliest feasible time thereafter, RECIPIENT shall install and maintain this sign at the construction site. With the first quarterly report following initiation of fieldwork, RECIPIENT shall submit to the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY a photograph documenting compliance with the Prop L attribution and format requirements herein contained.
Construction sign shall display the following items:
- The official TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY logo, available at, the same size as the RECIPIENT’s own seal or official logo appearing on the sign, whichever is larger.
- The text "Your Prop L transportation sales tax dollars at work" displayed such that the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY logo appears immediately to the right of the text. See examples in Figures 1, 2 and 3.
Examples of Construction Sign Layout (template files available at the top of this page)
Studies and Reports
Required Attribution and Acknowledgement of TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Funding of Studies and Reports.
All reports funded in whole or in part by Prop L shall, on the credits or attribution page, include a box containing the following text, left-aligned, set in the same size and font used in the body of the report.
For reports and studies entirely funded through Prop L:
For reports and studies partially funded through Prop L:
Project Communication Materials
Required Attribution and Acknowledgement of TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Funding for Project Communication Materials.
All press releases, project fact sheets, websites, flyers, brochures, posters, blogs or editorial and communication materials produced about the PROJECT following receipt of the GRANT, whether the production of those materials are funded by Prop L or not, shall include the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY logo and the following statement:
This project was made possible in part by Prop L transportation sales tax dollars provided by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority.
The logo should be grouped with those of any other participating agencies.
Proposition K Local Transportation Sales Tax
RECIPIENT shall demonstrate compliance with the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY’S attribution and signage requirements as a mandatory condition for authorization of Prop K reimbursement for project expenses. Logo files and brand guide are available at
Construction Signage
Required Attribution and Acknowledgement of TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Funding for Construction Capital Projects with Prop K funding on any eligible Project Phase(s) (e.g., Planning/Preliminary Engineering, Environmental, Specifications and Estimates, and Construction).
Prior to public display of signage, the RECIPIENT shall submit for TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY review and approval the design of the proposed attribution and signage identifying Prop K Funds and the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY as a funding source, as described below. Exceptions may be made at the sole discretion of the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY.
Upon initiation of field work or at the earliest feasible time thereafter, RECIPIENT shall install and maintain this sign at the construction site. With the first quarterly report following initiation of fieldwork, RECIPIENT shall submit to the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY a photograph documenting compliance with the Prop K attribution and format requirements herein contained.
Construction sign shall display the following items:
- The official TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY logo, available at, the same size as the RECIPIENT’s own seal or official logo appearing on the sign, whichever is larger.
- The text "Your Proposition K Sales Tax Dollars at Work" displayed such that the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY logo appears immediately to the right of the text. See examples in Figures 1, 2 and 3.
Examples of Construction Sign Layout (template files available at the top of this page)
Studies and Reports
Required Attribution and Acknowledgement of TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Funding of Studies and Reports.
All reports funded in whole or in part by Prop K shall, on the credits or attribution page, include a box containing the following text, left-aligned, set in the same size and font used in the body of the report.
For reports and studies entirely funded through Prop K:
For reports and studies partially funded through Prop K:
Project Communication Materials
Required Attribution and Acknowledgement of TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Funding for Project Communication Materials.
All press releases, project fact sheets, websites, flyers, brochures, posters, blogs or editorial and communication materials produced about the PROJECT following receipt of the GRANT, whether the production of those materials are funded by Prop K or not, shall include the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY logo and the following statement:
This project was made possible in part by Proposition K Local Transportation Sales Tax dollars provided by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority.
The logo should be grouped with those of any other participating agencies.
Proposition AA Vehicle Registration Fee
RECIPIENT shall demonstrate compliance with the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY’S attribution and signage requirements as a mandatory condition for authorization of Prop AA reimbursement for project expenses. Logo files and brand guide are available at
Construction Signage
Required Attribution and Acknowledgement of TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Funding for Construction Capital Projects with Prop AA funding on any eligible Project Phase(s) (e.g., Planning/Preliminary Engineering, Environmental, Specifications and Estimates, and Construction).
Prior to public display of signage, the RECIPIENT shall submit for TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY review and approval the design of the proposed attribution and signage identifying Prop AA Funds and the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY as a funding source, as described below. Exceptions may be made at the sole discretion of the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY.
Upon initiation of field work or at the earliest feasible time thereafter, RECIPIENT shall install and maintain this sign at the construction site. With the first quarterly report following initiation of fieldwork, RECIPIENT shall submit to the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY a photograph documenting compliance with the Prop AA attribution and format requirements herein contained.
Construction sign shall display the following items:
- The official TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY logo, available at, the same size as the RECIPIENT’s own seal or official logo appearing on the sign, whichever is larger.
- The text "Your Proposition AA Vehicle Registration Fee Dollars at Work" displayed such that the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY logo appears immediately to the right of the text. See examples in Figures 1, 2 and 3.
Examples of Construction Sign Layout (template files available at the top of this page)
Studies and Reports
Required Attribution and Acknowledgement of TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Funding of Studies and Reports.
All reports funded in whole or in part by Prop AA shall, on the credits or attribution page, include a box containing the following text, left-aligned, set in the same size and font used in the body of the report.
For reports and studies entirely funded through Prop AA:
For reports and studies partially funded through Prop AA:
Project Communication Materials
Required Attribution and Acknowledgement of TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Funding for Project Communication Materials.
All press releases, project fact sheets, websites, flyers, brochures, posters, blogs or editorial and communication materials produced about the PROJECT following receipt of the GRANT, whether the production of those materials are funded by Prop AA or not, shall include the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY logo and the following statement:
This project is made possible by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority through a grant of Proposition AA Vehicle Registration Fee Funds.
The logo should be grouped with those of any other participating agencies.
RECIPIENT shall demonstrate compliance with the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY’S attribution and signage requirements as a mandatory condition for authorization of TNC Tax reimbursement for project expenses. Logo files and brand guide are available at
Construction Signage
Required Attribution and Acknowledgement of TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Funding for Construction Capital Projects with TNC Tax funding on any eligible Project Phase(s) (e.g., Planning/Preliminary Engineering, Environmental, Specifications and Estimates, and Construction).
Prior to public display of signage, the RECIPIENT shall submit for TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY review and approval the design of the proposed attribution and signage identifying TNC Tax Funds and the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY as a funding source, as described below. Exceptions may be made at the sole discretion of the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY.
Upon initiation of field work or at the earliest feasible time thereafter, RECIPIENT shall install and maintain this sign at the construction site. With the first quarterly report following initiation of fieldwork, RECIPIENT shall submit to the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY a photograph documenting compliance with the TNC Tax attribution and format requirements herein contained.
Construction sign shall display the following items:
- The official TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY logo, available at, the same size as the RECIPIENT’s own seal or official logo appearing on the sign, whichever is larger.
- The text "Your TNC Tax Dollars at Work" displayed such that the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY logo appears immediately to the right of the text. See examples in Figures 1, 2 and 3.
Examples of Construction Sign Layout (template files available at the top of this page)
Studies and Reports
Required Attribution and Acknowledgement of TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Funding of Studies and Reports.
All reports funded in whole or in part by TNC Tax shall, on the credits or attribution page, include a box containing the following text, left-aligned, set in the same size and font used in the body of the report.\
For reports and studies entirely funded through TNC Tax:
For reports and studies partially funded through TNC Tax:
Project Communication Materials
Required Attribution and Acknowledgement of TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Funding for Project Communication Materials.
All press releases, project fact sheets, websites, flyers, brochures, posters, blogs or editorial and communication materials produced about the PROJECT following receipt of the GRANT, whether the production of those materials are funded by TNC Tax or not, shall include the TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY logo and the following statement:
This project was made possible in part by TNC Tax dollars provided by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority.
The logo should be grouped with those of any other participating agencies.