Photo: Sergio Ruiz, flickr
The Transportation Authority is the Congestion Management Agency for San Francisco. As required by state law, we develop and adopt a Congestion Management Program to monitor activity on our transportation network and adopt plans for mitigating traffic congestion in the city. Our Congestion Management work also aids in the development of the San Francisco Transportation Plan and provides input to San Francisco’s priorities for Plan Bay Area every four years.
Every two years, we release a report to update San Francisco’s Congestion Management Program. This report analyzes the performance of our transportation network, including transit, cars, bicycles, and pedestrians. The performance measures are primarily based on INRIX roadway speed data and SFMTA vehicle telemetry data, augmented by other sources. The report also identifies ways to increase the productivity of existing transportation infrastructure and encourage more efficient use of transportation investments in order to promote safety, better manage congestion, improve air quality, and facilitate sustainable development.
Long-Term Congestion Tracker
Explore a dynamic map of our congestion management data. Watch this video to learn how to navigate the map.
2023 Congestion Management Program
As people returned to pre-COVID pandemic activity levels, traffic congestion has worsened and multimodal volumes have increased in San Francisco between 2021 and 2023, though they have not fully returned to pre-COVID pandemic (2019) levels, suggesting that some travel behavior changes induced by the COVID pandemic have persisted beyond the first 3 years of the COVID pandemic.
Executive Summary (PDF)
Final Report (PDF)
Appendices (PDF)
SF-CHAMP model land use inputs (base year 2015) (CSV)
Joe Castiglione, Deputy Director for Technology, Data, and Analysis
Past Reports
2021 Congestion Management Program
Full Report (PDF)
Executive Summary (PDF)
Technical Appendices (PDF)
2019 Congestion Management Program
Full Report (PDF)
Executive Summary (PDF)
Technical Appendices (PDF)
Data Files (ZIP)
2017 Congestion Management Program
Full Report (PDF)
Executive Summary (PDF)
Technical Appendices (PDF)
2015 Congestion Management Program
Full Report (PDF)
Technical Appendices (PDF)
2013 Congestion Management Program
Full Report (PDF)
Technical Appendices (PDF)
2011 Congestion Management Program
Full Report (PDF)
Technical Appendices (PDF)
2009 Congestion Management Program
Full Report (PDF)
Technical Appendices (PDF)
Infill Opportunity Zone
2024 Infill Opportunity Zone
Board of Supervisors Resolution (PDF)
Memorandum (PDF)
Map (PDF)
Planning Department Determination of General Plan Consistency (PDF)
GIS File (GeoPackage)
2009 Infill Opportunity Zone
Board of Supervisors Resolution (PDF)
Eligible Area Analysis and Map (PDF)
GIS File (GeoPackage)