
Give feedback through a survey

Share your feedback by November 1

Underground subway tunnel

Photo by Alex Masters, flickr


The Geary/19th Ave Subway and Regional Connections Study was identified in ConnectSF’s Transit Investment Strategy as a key investment to build more rail to San Francisco’s busiest places. The subway would serve what is the city’s most crowded bus corridor, connecting some of our busiest neighborhoods to downtown and regional destinations.

Planning and construction of a subway is a multi-phase effort, occurring over many years. This study will focus on the first phase of planning and development.

The study will:

  • Outline potential benefits, costs, and risks of the project;
  • Identify the key questions that must be addressed and resolved as planning, design, and construction progresses; and
  • Develop a framework and process to successfully design and build the subway. 

Purpose and Objectives

The goal of the study is to lay out the strategic choices and planning considerations for this potential major capital investment with the aim of better connecting communities both within San Francisco and to the broader Bay Area while advancing and addressing our city’s long-term transportation, climate, and housing goals and needs.

The objectives of the study phase are to:

  • Describe the broad benefits, costs, and rationale for the project.
  • Explore technical aspects, work program, and governance that will be developed more fully in a subsequent alternatives analysis.
  • Identify the strategy to deliver the project, including outreach, funding, system integration, and policies.
  • Undertake initial technical coordination and policy discussions with local and regional public agencies.


  • SF Planning
  • BART
  • Capitol Corridor


  • Ongoing throughout study

    Initial Planning and Technical Exploration

  • Summer 2024

    Partner Engagement and Public Outreach

  • Fall to Winter 2024

    Partner Engagement and Public Outreach

  • Winter 2024/25

    Final report

Public engagement

Public Engagement

Give feedback through a survey

Share your feedback by November 1

Share a flyer about the study with your community

Past Events

We hosted two virtual town hall events during July 2024. Both events presented the same content.

Virtual town hall with Transportation Authority Board Vice Chair Myrna Melgar on July 17, 2024


Virtual town hall on July 20, 2024

Presentation materials

Request a Presentation

Our team is available to meet with your community group, contact geary19th@sfcta.org to schedule a presentation. 

Reports & documents

Board presentation

April 12, 2022 Board


April 12, 2022 Board presentation (PDF)


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Related programs


ConnectSF is a multi-agency collaborative process to build an effective, equitable, and sustainable transportation system for San Francisco’s future.

The Subway Vision explores the expansion of San Francisco's subway network.