Photo: Sergio Ruiz, flickr
John F. Kennedy Drive is one of the main thoroughfares through Golden Gate Park, a major destination for San Francisco residents and tourists. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, JFK Drive from Kezar Drive to Transverse Drive was closed to cars, allowing people to walk and bicycle while social distancing.
Through the Golden Gate Park Stakeholder Working Group and Action Framework, the Transportation Authority convened a working group of residents, businesses, and public and community organizations to identify ways to improve travel to, from, and within Golden Gate Park. (Working group membership list PDF.) The goal of this effort was to build consensus around shared values and needs which will inform subsequent park access planning as well as the long-term operations of JFK Drive.
The contribution of this group is a collaboratively developed list of needs and an Action Framework that identifies key efforts to be carried forward into subsequent planning processes for Golden Gate Park and JFK Drive.
The working group will not make a recommendation about whether JFK Drive should remain car-free. Rather, a summer 2021 design process jointly led by the Recreation and Parks Department and the SFMTA will build on working group findings, conduct additional public outreach, identify necessary regulatory approvals, and evaluate alternatives including a preferred alternative. Formal approvals and environmental review will accompany this design process. Each step of the process will include opportunities for public input.
Expected Decision Making Process for JFK Drive
- The Golden Gate Park Stakeholder Working Group and Action Framework produced a list of park access needs and provided input on priority actions that the city could take to address those access needs. The Recreation and Parks Department and the SFMTA will build on working group contributions.
- A summer 2021 design process jointly led by the Recreation and Parks Department and the SFMTA builds on working group findings, conducts additional public outreach, identifies any necessary regulatory approvals, and produces alternatives including a preferred alternative.*
- SFMTA Board hearing.*
- Recreation and Parks Commission hearing to adopt preferred alternative.*
- Board of Supervisors approval process.*
- Funding and implementation.
*Opportunity for public input
Project/Study Partners
This project is funded and led by the Transportation Authority, in close coordination with the Recreation and Parks Department as well as the SFMTA.
Cost and Funding
The Transportation Authority's Neighborhood Program is funding the Golden Gate Park Stakeholder Working Group and Action Framework with $60,000 in half-cent sales tax funds. This work was requested by Transportation Authority Board Members Sandra Lee Fewer (District 1) and Gordon Mar (District 4).
Timeline and Status
May 2021: Transportation Authority Board accepts final report documenting stakeholder working group input.
Golden Gate Park Stakeholder Working Group and Action Framework
Download the report (PDF)
Relevant Plans, Studies, and Policy Documents
The following are resources meant to help readers access relevant plans, studies, policy and public input heard so far regarding John F. Kennedy Drive and transportation through Golden Gate Park.
To suggest additions, contact David Long.
- Golden Gate Park Master Plan (1998)
- Music Concourse Transportation Management Plan (2006)
- Golden Gate Protected Bike Lanes Study (SFMTA 2013)
- Golden Gate Park Parking Study (Recreation and Parks 2019)
- Focus 2030: A Pathway to net zero emissions (SFE 2019)
- Climate Action Strategy (SFE 2013)
- Vision Zero Action Strategy (SFMTA 2017)
- Better Streets Plan (SF Planning 2010)
- Golden Gate Park Edges Improvement Strategy Presentation (SF Planning 2018)
- Recreation and Parks Department Strategic Plan (2020)
- Fulton Street Safety Projects (SFMTA 2020)
- Golden Gate Park Weekend Access (SFCTA 2007)
- Board of Supervisors Resolution on Child Friendly City (2019)
- Transit First Policy (1973)
- Proposition J - Golden Gate Park Revitalization Act (1998)
- Status Report on Proposition J (2005)
- District 1 Vision Zero Report Card (Walk SF 2021)
Public Input Heard So Far
- JFK Drive - Recreation and Parks Department Web Based Outreach
- Golden Gate Park MOD Public Comment Summary (March 2021)
- Golden Gate Park MOD-MDC Public Comment (December 2020)
- Golden Gate Park Access Focus Group (MOD December 2020)
- Golden Gate Park Disability Community Discussion and Tour (MOD 2018)
- Mayor's Office on Disability Open Letter to Recreation and Parks Department (2018)