The San Francisco County Transportation Authority, in partnership with the Treasure Island Development Authority, Caltrans and the Bay Area Toll Authority, has started construction for the Hillcrest Road Improvement Project.
Led by the Transportation Authority, the Hillcrest Road Improvement Project will upgrade the roadway to modern roadway and seismic standards and provide additional space for multimodal travel between the Islands and east span of the Bay Bridge.
The Hillcrest Road Improvement Project will provide an improved connection between the West Side Bridges Project and the Southgate Road Interchange Improvement Project as well as with the Bay Trail via the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.
Improvements include:
- Removal of existing retaining walls and construction of new retaining walls
- Curb and gutter
- Street and pedestrian level lighting
- Safety guardrails
- Drainage facilities, striping, signage and concrete barriers throughout the project’s length.
- Traffic signage
- Class II bike lane to improve bicycle circulation on Yerba Buena Island, to be converted to a Class I bicycle/pedestrian Multi-Use Pathway in the near future
- Joint trench, consisting of communication and secondary electrical lines, and pavement delineation
The project enables construction of a future multi-use path for active transportation users, anticipated to be delivered through the Bay Skyway Phase 1 Transbay Project linking West Oakland to Treasure Island.
Overall project benefits include:
- Improved local and regional connectivity for travelers of all modes
- Improved seismic safety for the project’s retaining wall and roadbed that will accommodate the upcoming 1.2 mile Multi-Use Pathway Project
- Supporting infrastructure for the growing neighborhoods and economic development of Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island
Preliminary engineering and environmental approval
2023 – 2024
Final design
2024 – 2026
Project Partners
- Treasure Island Development Authority
- San Francisco Public Works
- US Coast Guard
- Caltrans
Cost and Funding
The cost of the design and construction phases of the Hillcrest Road Improvement Project is $38 million. The project is funded by a grant to TIDA from the California Department of Housing and Community Development Infill Infrastructure Grant program, Prop K Sales Tax (exchange) funds, SB 1 Local Partnership Program formulaic funds, and TIDA funds.
In support of the Islands’ Development Plans, the Hillcrest Road Improvement Project will improve safety for pedestrians, motorists, bicyclists and transit riders of the existing Hillcrest Road between the Westside Bridges Retrofit Project on the west side and the Southgate Road Realignment Improvements Project on the east side.
The project features:
- Improved resilience and safety for roadway infrastructure built to modern highway design standards for travelers of all modes
- A new roadway for two vehicular travel lanes, shoulders and space for a future multi-use path
- Two retaining walls (with stormwater drainage and art) set further into the hillside above Hillcrest Road to support the new roadway and multimodal facilities
- Accommodation for the future Yerba Buena Island Multi-Use Pathway Project, which is a future 1.2 mile, two-way Class I Multi-Use Pathway (MUP) that will extend from the Bay Bridge East Span bicycle/pedestrian landing on Yerba Buena Island to the Treasure Island Ferry Terminal. The future MUP is an essential element of the regional Bay Skyway project that will provide seamless bicycle and pedestrian access from West Oakland to San Francisco.
At completion, the project will provide improved vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle access to the Bay Bridge and improve safety, accessibility, and local and regional connectivity.
April 16, 2024 Transportation Authority Board
April 16, 2024 Transportation Authority Board presentation (PDF)