An N Judah streetcar crosses 9th Avenue at Irving in moderate traffic.

Photo by SFMTA Photography Department

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The Inner Sunset Transportation Study will identify ways to improve safety and access within the commercial core of the neighborhood, so residents and visitors can enjoy its many amenities. 

The recommendations will fall into three types: 

  • Quicker-to-implement, lower cost safety or access improvements such as added bike parking.
  • Conceptual designs for new project improvements requiring more resources to develop. This could include transit priority treatments, new signal timing, or signage. 
  • One or two bold concepts with community interest and potential to significantly improve on community goals, including potential for significant circulation changes and/or vehicle restrictions on commercial corridors (e.g., turn restrictions and/or “transit mall” treatments on Irving Street). These changes would require further conceptual design, evaluation, and outreach following this study.

Community engagement will take place during three points in the study process and will include in person meetings, a community activity, surveys as well as Chinese language translation. 

We plan to publish outreach findings in Spring 2025.

Transportation Study Goals 

The study team conducted on-site observations and analysis of transit and vehicle circulation, crash data, walking and rolling conditions, and parking and loading conditions. We have  identified the following four draft project goals:

  1. Prioritize safety for vulnerable road users (defined as everyone traveling outside of a car).
  2. Improve transit reliability by minimizing transit delays and improving travel time for buses and rail in the study area. 
  3. Enhance access to key destinations
  4. Sustain economic vitality

For a more detailed description of goals, learn about the project background here.

Project/Study Partners

This project is led by the Transportation Authority, in coordination with San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency.

The Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program is intended to strengthen project pipelines and advance the delivery of community supported neighborhood-scale projects, especially in Equity Priority Communities and other neighborhoods with high unmet need.

Timeline and Status

  • Study Area Goals and Needs

  • First Round of Community Outreach

  • Concept Development and Analysis

  • Second Round of Community Outreach

  • Recommendations and Final Report

Cost and Funding 

This project was funded by the Transportation Authority’s Neighborhood Program at the request of District 7 Supervisor and Transportation Authority Board Member Myrna Melgar.


Prop L Transportation Sales Tax Funding Request (PDF)



Amy Thomson, Transportation Planner

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Our Neighborhood Program supports neighborhood-scale planning efforts and project implementation in each supervisorial district.