BRT/TPS/Muni Metro Network (EP 1)

Implement Bus Rapid Transit and Transit Preferential Streets programs to create an integrated citywide network of fast, reliable bus and surface light rail transit services connecting to services provided by Muni rail and historic streetcar lines, BART and Caltrain.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 30, 2018)

Caltrain Capital Improvement Program (EP 7)

Provides San Francisco's local match contribution for Caltrain's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects, including continued implementation of express tracks between San Francisco and San Jose to improve travel time and reliability.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 30, 2018)

BART Station Access, Safety, Capacity (EP 8)

Improvements to stations and other facilities owned or operated by BART within San Francisco to enhance passenger safety, accessibility and capacity, improved signage and security, realtime traveler information, intermodal access improvements, and street level plaza improvements.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 30, 2018)

Ferry (EP 9)

Improvements to downtown ferry terminals to accommodate increases in ferry ridership, including: additional intermodal connections, new ferry berths, improved emergency response systems, landside improvements, and rehabilitation of passenger-serving facilities.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated March 29, 2019)

Transit Enhancements (EP 10–16)

Programmatic improvements that promote system connectivity and accessibility, close service gaps, and improve and expand transit service levels.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 30, 2018)

Vehicles (EP 17)

Programmatic improvements for the upgrade, rehabilitation and replacement of transit vehicles, spare parts and on-board equipment.

Muni: 5-Year Project List [(PDF) (Updated March 29, 2019)
Caltrain: 5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 30, 2018)

Facilities (EP 20)

Programmatic improvements for the upgrade, rehabilitation and replacement of transit facilities and facilities-related equipment.

BART: 5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 30, 2018)
Muni: 5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated March 29, 2019)
PCJPB/Caltrain: 5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 30, 2018)

Guideways (EP 22)

Rehabilitation, upgrades and/or replacement of rail, overhead trolley wires, signals, and automatic train control systems. The intent is to implement TPS standards whenever rehabilitation, upgrade or replacement projects of light rail lines are undertaken. Seismic retrofit and improvements to emergency lighting and ventilation.

BART: 5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 19, 2018)
Muni: 5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 30, 2018)
PCJPB/Caltrain: 5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 30, 2018)

New and Upgraded Streets (EP 26–30)

Upgrading and extending streets and other vehicular facilities to bring them up to current standards, including the addition of Transit Preferential Streets treatments to transit corridors and construction of major bicycle and pedestrian facilities.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated April 25, 2019)

New Signals and Signs (EP 31)

Programmatic improvements including new traffic signs and signals (including pedestrian and bicycle signals) implementation of transit priority systems on select corridors, and new pavement markings.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 30, 2018)

SFgo: Advanced Tech and Info Systems (EP 32)

Programmatic improvements using advanced technology and information systems to better manage roadway operations for transit, traffic, cyclists, and pedestrians.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 30, 2018)

Signals and Signs Maintenance and Renovation (EP 33)

Programmatic improvements including maintenance and upgrade of traffic signs and signals, including new mast arms, LED signals, conduits, wiring, pedestrian signals, left turn signals, transit pre-empts, and bicycle route signs and signals.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated December 11, 2018)

Street Resurfacing, Rehab and Maintenance (EP 34–35)

Repaving and reconstruction of city streets to prevent deterioration of the roadway system, based on an industry-standard pavement management system designed to inform cost effective roadway maintenance. Replacement of street repair and cleaning equipment according to industry-standards.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated December 11, 2018)

Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Maintenance (EP 37)

Public sidewalk repair and reconstruction citywide. Additional pedestrian facility improvements including stairways, retaining walls, guardrails and rockfall barriers. Upgrades of substandard bicycle lanes; rehabilitation of bicycle paths, and reconstruction of Muni passenger boarding islands.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 9, 2018)

Traffic Calming (EP 38)

Programmatic improvements to neighborhood streets to make them more livable and safe to use for all users - pedestrians, cyclists, transit, and autos. Includes strategies to reduce auto traffic speeds and improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety and circulation.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated April 25, 2019)

Bicycle Circulation/Safety (EP 39)

Programmatic improvements to the transportation system to enhance its usability and safety for bicycles. Infrastructure improvements on the citywide bicycle network. Support for bicycle outreach and education programs.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated April 25, 2019)

Pedestrian Circulation/Safety (EP 40)

Programmatic improvements to the safety and usability of city streets for pedestrians.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated April 25, 2019)

Curb Ramps (EP 41)

Construction of new wheelchair curb ramps and related roadway work to permit ease of movement for the mobility impaired. Reconstruction of existing ramps.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated November 30, 2018)

Tree Planting and Maintenance (EP 42)

Planting of new street trees and maintenance of new and existing trees in public rights-of-way throughout the City.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated December 13, 2018)

Transportation Demand/Parking Management (EP 43)

Develop and support continued Transportation Demand Management (TDM) and parking requirements for downtown buildings, special event sites, and schools and universities. Includes studies and projects that can lead to reduction of single-occupant vehicle dependence and improve access of disadvantaged populations to jobs and key services.

5-Year Project List  (PDF) (Updated March 29, 2019)

Transportation/Land Use Coordination (EP 44)

Transportation studies and planning to support transit oriented development (TOD) and neighborhood transportation planning. Local match for San Francisco and regional grant programs that support TOD and fund related improvements for transit, bicyclists, and pedestrians, including streetscape beautification improvements.

5-Year Project List (PDF) (Updated December 13, 2018)