A graphic of data points on a grid

Fast-Trips is a transportation modeling tool that simulates people using transit.

In 2014, the Transportation Authority, in partnership with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Puget Sound Regional Council, were awarded a SHRP2 grant to “develop and implement a disaggregate, person-based transit accessibility and assignment tool to be used within their activity-based travel demand model that is capable of representing issues of transit capacity, reliability, and passenger heterogeneity.” 

The agency partners developed Fast-Trips under the SHRP2 grant from 2015 to 2018.

During this time, we:

  • Developed data standards for transit network supply, performance, ridership, and demand
  • Developed baseline datasets for transit network supply, performance, ridership, and demand
  • Implemented a version of Fast-Trips written in Python and C++
  • Performed initial testing of Fast-Trips

Fast-Trips is continuing to be developed by the Zephyr Foundation.


Metropolitan Transportation Commission Fast-Trips webpage

Zephyr Foundation project webpage