San Francisco’s Transportation Demand Management Program seeks to improve and expand upon the city's transportation system to help accommodate new growth. The program requires new developments to provide on-site amenities (e.g. bike parking) and employ Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies (e.g. offering subsidized transit passes) that prioritize sustainable alternatives to driving, chosen from a menu of options provided by the TDM Program. The primary intent of the Transportation Demand Management element is to reduce vehicle miles traveled generated by new development projects.
The TDM Program includes a research component to collect data to evaluate the effectiveness of TDM measures at reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT). The goals of this research are (1) to develop quantitative research of the effect of TDM measures on travel behavior, that can be used for CEQA and other analysis; and (2) to update the menu of options used by the TDM Program to assign points according to effectiveness at reducing VMT. The Transportation Authority is leading the development and application of the TDM Evaluation Tool in coordination with the SF Planning and SFMTA. Staff from these agencies will guide the identification and specification of the tool requirements, data needs, and methods.
San Francisco Transportation Demand Management Plan, 2017-2020 (PDF)