February 19, 2021

Our data team created an interactive map to show transit usage patterns across the region, including by low-income riders, over half of whom were on Muni. 
February 18, 2021

Our agency has released a draft of our Racial Equity Action Plan, which includes 80 individual actions related to hiring and recruitment, retention and promotion, diverse and equitable leadership, organizational culture of inclusion and belonging, and more.
February 16, 2021

To expand electric vehicle charging infrastructure in San Francisco, the Transportation Authority has provided $350,000 in Transportation Fund for Clean Air funding to support the design and construction of new electric vehicle charging stations at two locations.
January 27, 2021

The Downtown Congestion Pricing Study team wrapped up the first round of outreach last year. Here's the latest with where we are with the study, findings from outreach, proposed policy options, and what’s next.
January 26, 2021

San Francisco achieved its 10-year goal for roadway conditions, receiving a score of 75 which puts the roads in collectively "good" condition.
January 25, 2021

Visitors can enjoy an up-close experience of nature along an elevated pedestrian bridge and trail that winds through the Quartermaster Reach marsh. The Presidio Parkway project, led by Caltrans and the Transportation Authority helped make this newly restored ecosystem and recreation area possible.
January 22, 2021

The Transportation Authority Board elected District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman as Chair and District 3 Supervisor Aaron Peskin as Vice-Chair for 2021. Our agency also released our 2020 Annual Report. Check out some of the highlights.
January 13, 2021

SF Public works finished repaving 28 blocks of Alemany Boulevard last month. The Transportation Authority supported the project with $1.75 million in half-cent sales tax funds.
December 22, 2020

On December 21, 2020 Congress passed a $900 billion COVID relief bill which includes a total of $14 billion for transit agencies to help them avoid additional service cuts and layoffs in the near term.
December 21, 2020

Transportation Authority Board Member Walton requested the 15 Third Bus Study in response to community concerns. SFMTA is launching the 15 Bayview-Hunters Point Express in early 2021 to provide faster service to downtown for Bayview-Hunters Point residents.
December 16, 2020

The Excelsior’s Mission Street and Geneva Ave are on the Vision Zero High Injury Network. This community-focused effort will provide safety and transit reliability improvements to the neighborhood.
December 14, 2020

At the request of Transportation Authority Board Chair Aaron Peskin, we conducted a study to analyze existing conditions around Portsmouth Square and engaged the community in identifying how to improve access to the square and to Chinatown as a whole.
December 07, 2020

The Transportation Authority is exploring long term ideas for the future of the Great Highway. Take the survey to share your feedback.
November 24, 2020

San Francisco voters passed Prop AA in November 2010, which has funded numerous transportation improvements citywide, such as paving, pedestrian safety, and transit reliability and mobility improvements.
November 18, 2020

The Transportation Authority Board adopted ride-hail tax guidelines in October 2020 and is allocating funds to support SFMTA’s Vision Zero Quick-Build Program.