Meeting Notice

Date: 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Location: Room 263, City Hall

Commissioners: Commissioners Mar (Chair), Kim (Vice Chair), Breed, Campos, Yee and Avalos (Ex Officio)

CLERK: Erika Cheng


1. Roll Call

2. Approve the Minutes of the September 16, 2014 Meeting – ACTION* attachment

3. Citizens Advisory Committee Report – INFORMATION* attachment

4. Recommend Appointment of One Member to the Geneva-Harney Bus Rapid Transit Community Advisory Committee – ACTION* attachment

The Geneva-Harney Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Feasibility Study is advised by a 13-member Geneva-Harvey BRT Community Advisory Committee (GHCAC). The GHCAC structure, which was approved by the Transportation Authority Board, includes five members to be appointed by the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County and eight members appointed by the Transportation Authority. The Transportation Authority Board previously made appointments filling its eight seats. Since that time, the GHCAC member filling the Crocker-Amazon, Excelsior, Outer Mission seat submitted his resignation due to professional and personal time commitments. We re-opened recruitment, reaching out to community groups and residents. As shown in Attachment 2, we have received applications from two candidates for the Crocker-Amazon, Excelsior, Outer Mission seat. Neither staff nor the GHCAC makes recommendations on these appointments. We are seeking a recommendation to appoint one member to the GHCAC.

5. Recommend Amendment of the Prop K Strategic Plan, Amendment of the Transit Enhancements and Vehicles 5-Year Prioritization Programs, and Allocation of $131,153,142 in Prop K Funds, with Conditions, for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s Light Rail Vehicle Procurement, Subject to the Attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedules – ACTION* attachment

A. 2014 Prop K Transit System Maintenance and Renovation 5YPP

B. SFMTA Light Rail Vehicle Procurement

Last month, Mayor Lee held a ceremonial signing to approve a historic $1.4 billion contract to procure up to 260 new Muni light rail vehicles (LRVs) to replace and expand the Muni rail fleet over the next 25 years. It includes a base contract with 151 replacement vehicles and 24 expansion vehicles to support the Central Subway, and two options that would together add 85 expansion vehicles.  The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is now finalizing its approach to certifying the $934 million base contract and has requested amendment of the 2014 Prop K Strategic Plan, and two 5-Year Prioritization Programs (5YPPs) to enable concurrent allocation of over $131 million in Prop K funds for the base contract. This would be the single largest allocation of Prop K funds to date – fitting given that this project, along with replacement of the rubber tire fleet (also underway with Prop K funds) will do more to improve Muni service than any other investment we can make.  Currently, there is only $4.6 million programmed for the 24 Central Subway vehicles.   We have worked with SFMTA to program an additional $158.9 million ($73.2 million from the Vehicles-Muni and $81.0 million from the Vehicles-Discretionary line items) in Prop K funds for the LRV procurement.  Given the performance benefits of the project, we are recommending that the discretionary vehicle funds, which could otherwise go to BART or Caltrain be programmed to SFMTA. This action will deplete the funds in that line item based on current revenue projections.  SFMTA has concurrently proposed multiple changes to its projects in the Vehicles 5YPP.  This involves significantly delayed cash flow for several projects that had more aggressive schedules than needed and other changes.   Shifting out cash flow during the current 5YPP period, which has the peak cash flow needs in the Strategic Plan, and the fact that cash flow needs for the LRV procurement extend through Fiscal Year 2027/28, results in a slight reduction in finance costs for the Strategic Plan as a whole. We are seeking a recommendation to amend the Prop K Strategic Plan, amend the Transit Enhancements and Vehicles 5YPPs, and allocate $131,153,142 in Prop K funds, with conditions, for the SFMTA’s LRV Procurement, subject to the attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedules.

6. Recommend Allocation of $496,100 in Prop K Funds, with Conditions, and Appropriation of $150,000 in Prop K Funds, with Conditions, for Three Requests, Subject to the Attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedules – ACTION* attachment  enclosure

As summarized in Attachments 1 and 2, we have three requests totaling $646,100 in Prop K funds to present to the Plans and Programs Committee. The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) has requested $256,100 for Shared Roadway Bicycle Markings (Sharrows) to install an estimated 1,350 new sharrows at locations identified in the 2009 San Francisco Bicycle Plan. The SFMTA has also requested $240,000 for the Western Addition Community-Based Transportation Plan, which would be the first project to receive a Neighborhood Transportation Improvement Program (NTIP) planning grant (District 5).  While the scope is still being refined in coordination with Commissioner Breed’s office, the overall intent is to identify key transportation needs and develop potential project concepts to address those needs. The Prop K funds would leverage a $60,000 Community Based Transportation Planning grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.  Finally, we are requesting $150,000 for Fiscal Year 2014/15 planning and conceptual engineering work for the Treasure Island Mobility Management Program. We are seeking a recommendation to allocate $496,100 in Prop K funds, with conditions, and appropriate $150,000 in Prop K funds, with conditions, for three requests, subject to the attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedules.

7. Recommend Adoption of the Draft Neighborhood Transportation Improvement Program Planning Guidelines – ACTION* attachment

One of the recommendations from the San Francisco Transportation Plan was to create a Neighborhood Transportation Improvement Program (NTIP), which provides Prop K funds for community-based planning and for development and implementation of neighborhood-scale capital projects. The draft NTIP planning grant guidelines were developed through a collaborative process with project sponsors. Recognizing the different transportation challenges facing San Francisco’s neighborhoods, we have drafted guidelines that allow NTIP planning grants to be tailored to meet each district’s or neighborhood’s specific needs. Ultimately, all efforts should lead toward prioritization of community-supported neighborhood-scale capital improvements that could be funded by Prop K and/or other sources. The NTIP Planning program provides $100,000 in Prop K funds for each supervisorial district over the next five years. The $100,000 can be used for one planning effort or multiple smaller efforts. The expectation is that NTIP funds will leverage other funds. This leveraging would be necessary to fund larger scale more intensive efforts. While anyone can come up with an NTIP planning grant idea, it is the district supervisor who recommends which project(s) will be funded with an NTIP planning grant. The supervisor would initiate the process by contacting NTIP Coordinators at the Transportation Authority and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency who would work with the supervisor and relevant stakeholders throughout the NTIP planning proposal identification and initial scoping process. There have been no substantive changes to the draft guidelines since they were included in the September Plans and Programs Committee packet. We are seeking a recommendation to adopt the NTIP Planning Guidelines.

8. Progress Update on the Treasure Island Mobility Management Study – INFORMATION

On April 1, 2014, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors approved a resolution designating the Transportation Authority as the Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency (TIMMA). The purpose of the TIMMA, as set forth in the Treasure Island Transportation Management Act of 2008 (State Assembly Bill 981), is to implement the Treasure Island Transportation Implementation Plan (TITIP) in support of the Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island Development Project. The TITIP, adopted in 2011, calls for a comprehensive, integrated program to manage travel demand on the Island as it develops. This innovative approach to mobility includes a complimentary package of strategies and services including required purchase of transit vouchers by residents, parking fees, and a multimodal congestion pricing program that applies motorist user fees to support enhanced and new bus, ferry, and shuttle transit, as well as bicycle sharing, to reduce the traffic impacts of the project. The objective of the underway policy studies is to recommend congestion pricing policies for Treasure Island based on demand forecasting, financial analysis and stakeholder input. The purpose of this item is to provide the Plans and Programs Committee with an overview of TIMMA and an update on the progress of the policy analysis. We are seeking input and guidance from the Plans and Programs Committee. This is an information item.

9. Geneva- Harney Bus Rapid Transit Project Update – INFORMATION* attachment

The Geneva-Harney Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Feasibility Study addresses the feasibility of proposed BRT service connecting residents and jobs along the Geneva-Harney corridor. The corridor extends from the Balboa Park BART/Muni Station, along Geneva Avenue in Daly City to the Bayshore Caltrain Station and across Highway 101 to the future Hunters Point Transit Center, connecting new developments in Candlestick Point and Hunters Point Shipyard. Over the past three months, the study team has worked closely with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and study partners to produce potential alignments and configurations that will be presented for public discussion and comment during the first round of community workshops. The workshops will be held on Thursday, October 23 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Bret Harte Elementary, 1035 Gilman Avenue and on Saturday, October 25 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Bayshore Community Center, 450 Martin Street, Daly City, with Chinese translation. Feedback collected during these workshops and additional presentations to community organizations in the Visitacion Valley and Little Hollywood area will be incorporated into the Study’s final recommendations. At the Plans and Programs Committee meeting, we will provide an update on the Study and a preview of the BRT concepts that will be presented at the public workshops. We are seeking input and guidance from the Plans and Programs Committee. This is an information item.

10. San Francisco Transportation Plan and Plan Bay Area Updates – INFORMATION

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) have kicked off the process to update Plan Bay Area, the region’s first combined Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) adopted in mid-2013.  The regional agencies intend to engage in a focused update that builds off the framework and policies established in Plan Bay Area. While MTC and ABAG will not approve the update until 2017, MTC will issue a call for projects in mid-2015 and most of the policy and project prioritization decisions will be negotiated by mid-2016. To position San Francisco’s desired policies objectives and project priorities for inclusion in the next RTP/SCS, over the next year we will be preparing an update to our own San Francisco Transportation Plan.  We plan to take a similar approach to MTC in that the SFTP update would be very focused, building off the existing goals, policies, and investment framework.  We are pleased to report that many of the key recommendations from the SFTP are already underway – such as the Transit Core Capacity Study, Freeway Corridor Management Strategy and Neighborhood Transportation Improvement Program.  The SFTP update will look to incorporating the findings from these efforts and others into the update. Coordinated quadrennial updates of the RTP/SCS and the countywide transportation plan are consistent with the intent of MTC’s recently adopted countywide transportation plan guidelines and one of our core functions are Congestion Management Agency.  At the Plans and Programs Committee meeting we will provide a brief overview of both efforts and seek feedback from Commissioners. This is an information item.

11. Introduction of New Items – INFORMATION

12. Public Comment

13. Adjournment

* Additional materials


Please note that the meeting proceedings can be viewed live or on demand after the meeting at  To know the exact cablecast times for weekend viewing, please call SFGovTV at (415) 554-4188 on Friday when the cablecast times have been determined.

The Legislative Chamber (Room 250) and the Committee Room (Room 263) in City Hall are wheelchair accessible. Meetings are real-time captioned and are cablecast open-captioned on SFGovTV, the Government Channel 26. Assistive listening devices for the Legislative Chamber are available upon request at the Clerk of the Board's Office, Room 244. Assistive listening devices for the Committee Room are available upon request at the Clerk of the Board's Office, Room 244 or in the Committee Room. To request sign language interpreters, readers, large print agendas or other accommodations, please contact the Clerk of the Authority at (415) 522-4800. Requests made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting will help to ensure availability.

The nearest accessible BART station is Civic Center (Market/Grove/Hyde Streets). Accessible MUNI Metro lines are the F, J, K, L, M, N, T (exit at Civic Center or Van Ness Stations). MUNI bus lines also serving the area are the 5, 6, 9, 19, 21, 47, 49, 71, and 71L. For more information about MUNI accessible services, call (415) 701-4485.

There is accessible parking in the vicinity of City Hall at Civic Center Plaza and adjacent to Davies Hall and the War Memorial Complex. Accessible curbside parking is available on Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place and Grove Street.

In order to assist the Transportation Authority’s efforts to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illnesses, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees at all public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical-based products.  Please help the Transportation Authority accommodate these individuals.

If any materials related to an item on this agenda have been distributed to the Plans and Programs Committee after distribution of the agenda packet, those materials are available for public inspection at the Transportation Authority at 1455 Market Street, Floor 22, San Francisco, CA 94103, during normal office hours.

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