Legislative Committee Room 263, City Hall


Meeting Notice

Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2016; 10:30 a.m.

Location: Committee Room 263, City Hall

Commissioners: Tang (Chair), Farrell (Vice Chair), Avalos, Breed, Peskin and Wiener (Ex Officio)

Clerk: Steve Stamos


1. Roll Call

2. Citizens Advisory Committee Report – INFORMATION*  minutes

Consent Calendar

3. Approve the Minutes of the May 17, 2016 Meeting – ACTION*  minutes

4. Recommend Programming $360,000 in Supplemental Regional Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Funds to San Francisco Department of Public Health’s SR2S Program, and Reprogramming $52,251 in One Bay Area Grant Funds and $548,388 in Congestion Management Agency Block Grant Funds to San Francisco Public Works’ Second Street Improvement Project – ACTION*  memo

The purpose of this memorandum is to seek a recommendation for some programming changes related to two Cycle 1 One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) projects. In June 2013, as Congestion Management Agency (CMA) for San Francisco, the Transportation Authority Board programmed $1.439 million in Regional Safe Routes to School (SR2S) funds to the San Francisco Department of Public Health’s (SFDPH’s) SR2S Program and $35 million in Cycle 1 OBAG block grant funds to seven projects, including San Francisco Public Works’ (SFPW’s) Second Street Improvement Project. Since then, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission extended Cycle 1 OBAG by 1 year and, as a result, generated supplemental funds for the Regional SR2S program. We are proposing to program San Francisco’s modest share ($360,000) of these funds to expand SFDPH’s SR2S Program, particularly the communication, coordination, outreach, and evaluation efforts. The second recommended action is to reprogram unneeded funds from the ER Taylor SR2S ($52,251 in Cycle 1 OBAG) and the Folsom Streetscape Improvement ($548,388 in CMA Block Grant funds, the predecessor to OBAG) projects to SFPW’s Second Street project. The Second Street project has experienced cost increases due to the rising cost of construction since the project was originally funded in 2013, and the community’s request for the inclusion of pedestrian lighting.

5. San Francisco Revised Project List and Preferred Scenario Advocacy Strategy for Plan Bay Area 2040 – INFORMATION*  memo

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) are close to finalizing the preferred scenario for Plan Bay Area (PBA) 2040, which sets policy and transportation investment priorities and housing and jobs projections across the nine Bay Area counties through 2040. The Transportation Authority coordinates San Francisco’s priorities for PBA 2040, and has been asked to revise the list of financially constrained project priorities we submitted to MTC last year to fit within a smaller target of available local discretionary funding. MTC also requested that we and other counties with potential November 2016 revenue measures submit a supplemental project list so that MTC can evaluate both project lists in the PBA environmental documents. Attachment 1 details the proposed adjustments to our initial list to meet the revised local target, shows how new local revenues could be distributed based on the proposed San Francisco charter amendment creating among other things, a transportation set aside in the general fund (which has the same six programs as the back-up measure for an additional transportation sales tax), and identifies the projects for which we are seeking regional discretionary funding. Since we prepared our original list of project priorities in anticipation of eventually receiving a reduced target, we only had to make limited changes to fit the lower target. We expect to be able to accommodate all the projects that need to be included in this PBA cycle and can’t wait for adoption of the next update in 2021. Since MTC and ABAG are finalizing the Plan’s preferred land use and transportation investment scenario, we have also developed a set of advocacy strategies to inform our work and advance San Francisco’s interests between now and adoption of the preferred scenario, anticipated in September.

End of Consent Calendar

6. Recommend Allocation of $6,004,645 in Prop K Funds, with Conditions, and Appropriation of $75,000 in Prop K Funds, for Eight Requests, Subject to the Attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedules – ACTION*  memo  enclosure

As summarized in Attachments 1 and 2, we have eight requests totaling $6,079,645 in Prop K funds to present to the Plans and Programs Committee. The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is requesting about $1.03 million for rail grinding of all tracks in the Muni Metro tunnel to extend the useful life of the rails, reduce the risk of derailment, and improve ride quality. The SFMTA has also requested $150,000 for a Neighborhood Transportation Improvement Program (NTIP) planning project to develop conceptual designs for multimodal improvements to the Geneva-San Jose intersection, including passenger access to the M-Ocean View Line. San Francisco Public Works (SFPW) has requested $64,734 for the design phase of the Great Highway Reroute (Permanent Restoration) and $1.5 million to leverage One Bay Area Grant funds for construction of complete street improvements on 2nd Street between Market and Townsend Streets. SFPW has also requested funds for three programs funded annually by Prop K: Public Sidewalk Repair ($537,494), Tree Planting and Maintenance ($1,092,025) and Street Repair and Cleaning Equipment ($1,499,408). The latter request is for replacement of five street sweepers which have exceeded their useful lives and will be out of compliance with California and Bay Area emissions standards after December 31, 2016. As a result, SFPW is requesting a Prop K Strategic Plan amendment to advance funds to meet Bay Area Air Quality Management District requirements. Finally, we are requesting $150,000 jointly with the SFMTA for planning work to support commissioners' efforts to identify potential NTIP planning and capital projects and develop associated scopes, schedules and budgets.

7. Recommend Approval of the Fiscal Year 2016/2017 Transportation Fund for Clean Air Program of Projects – ACTION*  memo

The Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) Program was established to fund the most effective transportation projects that achieve emission reductions from motor vehicles in accordance with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s (Air District’s) Clean Air Plan. Funds are generated from a $4 surcharge on the vehicle registration fee collected by the Department of Motor Vehicles. As the San Francisco TFCA County Program Manager, the Transportation Authority annually develops the Program of Projects for the TFCA Program Manager funds. In February we issued the call for Fiscal Year 2016/2017 TFCA applications. We received six project applications by the April 29, 2016 deadline, requesting $1,476,415 in TFCA funds compared to $972,257 in available funds. Two applications were subsequently withdrawn to allow for additional project development. We reviewed the remaining projects for eligibility, then evaluated eligible projects following the Board-adopted local expenditure criteria which include project type (e.g., first priority to zero emission projects), cost effectiveness of emissions reduced, program diversity, project readiness, and other considerations (e.g., a sponsor’s track record for delivering prior TFCA projects). Based on this review, we are recommending full funding for the Gator Pass Implementation Project, Alternative Fuel Taxicab Incentive Program, and Emergency Ride Home. We are recommending partial funding for Short Term Bike Parking which is scalable to fit the amount of funds available.

8. Recommend Authorizing the Executive Director to Execute, with Conditions, a Seven Party Supplement to the 2012 Memorandum of Understanding that Adopted an Early Investment Strategy Pertaining to the Peninsula Corridor Electrification Project – ACTION*  memo

The Caltrain Early Investment Program consists of three components: the Communications Based Overlay Signal System (CBOSS) to provide Positive Train Control; the electrification of the Caltrain line between San Jose and San Francisco; and the purchase of electric-multiple unit (EMU) vehicles to operate on the electrified railroad. It is one of Prop K’s signature projects. In April 2012, the Transportation Authority Board authorized the Executive Director to execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the California High-Speed Rail Authority, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, and six other local and regional entities to establish a funding framework for a High-Speed Rail Early Investment Strategy for a blended system in the Peninsula Corridor. At the time, local contribution from each of the three Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (PCJPB) member counties (San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara) was $60 million. The total Early Investment Program budget, established in 2009 and the basis of the 2012 nine-party MOU, was estimated at $1.456 billion. That budget was based on a 2008 estimate. Subsequently, the initial budget was updated by Caltrain staff to reflect a cost estimate study conducted in 2014 and to account for received bids, resulting in a new projected cost of $1.22 billion, an increase of $755 million. The majority of the cost increase is attributable to the cost estimate study and the remainder from bid results. The new estimate includes $316 million in contingency. This cost increase has triggered a need for a supplemental MOU to address the funding gap, which is the subject of this request. The supplemental MOU will increase each PCJPB members’ contribution by $20 million, to a total of $80 million. In San Francisco, the Transportation Authority and the City would jointly cover the increase. We have $3.9 million in Prop K funds remaining in the electrification line item. The source of the remaining funds is to be determined, but could include a potential new sales tax measure under consideration for the November 2016 ballot or City funds. This memo also provides an update on the overall program.

9. Development of a Potential Local Transportation Revenue Measure and Expenditure Plan – INFORMATION*  memo

The Mayor and several members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors have collaborated on a Transportation Expenditure Plan that would direct approximately $100 million a year for 25 years to critical transit services and transportation improvements in every neighborhood, including safer, well-maintained streets, transit maintenance and expansion, and Muni equity and affordability programs. The Expenditure Plan is described in a charter amendment that would create General Fund set-asides for homelessness programs and for transportation (Attachment 1).  The budget set-asides would be funded by the City’s General Fund.  A general sales tax increase of 0.75% has also been proposed for the November ballot. If approved, this measure would generate additional revenues to the General Fund.  While the two measures are not legally linked, if both measures were approved, they would result, at least initially in approximately equivalent increase in General Fund revenues and expenditures. A separate ‘back-up’ option under consideration for the November ballot, should the Charter Amendment not move forward, is a dedicated 0.5% sales tax increase ordinance for transportation only (Attachment 3). The Expenditure Plans of both measures have identical expenditure plans.  The proposed expenditures build and expand on the recommendations of the 2013 San Francisco Transportation Plan (SFTP) and 2014 Transportation 2030 Task Force. Over the next several weeks as we move closer to the late July/early August deadlines for placing measures on the November 2016 ballot, we will continue to seek input from city and regional transit agencies serving San Francisco, members of the public, and other key stakeholders through a variety of outreach tools and strategies including a telephone town hall as described in the memo. A hearing on the Charter Amendment legislation has also been scheduled for the June 30 Rules Committee at the Board of Supervisors. We are seeking input on the Charter Amendment Measure and Transportation Expenditure Plan from the Plans and Programs Committee.

10. Transportation Demand Management Ordinance – INFORMATION*  presentation

The Transportation Sustainability Program (TSP) is a joint effort between the San Francisco Planning Department, the Transportation Authority, the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. Two of the three pieces, a Transportation Impact Fee on new development (Invest) and a shift in the metric to determine traffic impacts for environmental review (Align) were legislated earlier this winter. The final piece of the program (Shift) is a transportation demand management (TDM) program for new development. The TDM Program would establish a framework of TDM requirements for new land use development projects, making sure these projects are designed to make it easier for new residents, tenants, employees, and visitors to get around by sustainable modes of travel such as transit, walking, and bicycling. Each measure that would be included in the TDM program is intended to reduce vehicle miles traveled from new development. On April 28, 2016 the Planning Commission unanimously voted to initiate a TDM ordinance to establish the new program. The Planning Commission is scheduled to consider adoption of the ordinance at its July 7, 2016 hearing.

11. Introduction of New Items – INFORMATION

During this segment of the meeting, Committee members may make comments on items not specifically listed above, or introduce or request items for future consideration.

12. Public Comment

13. Adjournment


* Additional materials


Please note that the meeting proceedings can be viewed live or on demand after the meeting at www.sfgovtv.org. To know the exact cablecast times for weekend viewing, please call SFGovTV at (415) 554-4188 on Friday when the cablecast times have been determined.

The Legislative Chamber (Room 250) and the Committee Room (Room 263) in City Hall are wheelchair accessible. Meetings are real-time captioned and are cablecast open-captioned on SFGovTV, the Government Channel 26. Assistive listening devices for the Legislative Chamber and the Committee Room are available upon request at the Clerk of the Board's Office, Room 244. To request sign language interpreters, readers, large print agendas or other accommodations, please contact the Clerk of the Authority at (415) 522-4800. Requests made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting will help to ensure availability.

The nearest accessible BART station is Civic Center (Market/Grove/Hyde Streets). Accessible MUNI Metro lines are the F, J, K, L, M, N, T (exit at Civic Center or Van Ness Stations). MUNI bus lines also serving the area are the 5, 6, 7, 9, 19, 21, 47, and 49. For more information about MUNI accessible services, call (415) 701-4485.

There is accessible parking in the vicinity of City Hall at Civic Center Plaza and adjacent to Davies Hall and the War Memorial Complex. Accessible curbside parking is available on Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place and Grove Street.

In order to assist the Transportation Authority’s efforts to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illnesses, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees at all public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical-based products. Please help the Transportation Authority accommodate these individuals.

If any materials related to an item on this agenda have been distributed to the Plans and Programs Committee after distribution of the meeting packet, those materials are available for public inspection at the Transportation Authority at 1455 Market Street, Floor 22, San Francisco, CA 94103, during normal office hours.

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