This project will design and install rectangular rapid flashing beacons, pedestrian push buttons, and improved signage to improve pedestrian safety at the intersection of 38th Avenue and Geary Boulevard.
The new westbound I-80 on- and off-ramps that connect Yerba Buena Island and Treasure Island to the eastern span of the Bay Bridge are open.
This Community Based Transportation Plan for Portsmouth square will analyze the new park design and explore existing transportation and circulation around the park.
This report provides the first comprehensive look at the rapidly evolving emerging mobility sector in San Francisco.
The District 4 Mobility Study will explore ways to increase the use of non-automobile modes in the Outer Sunset and Parkside neighborhoods.
The SFMTA’s Folsom-Howard Streetscape Project will make it safer and more pleasant to walk, bike, shop and live along Folsom and Howard streets.
The Slow Duboce Triangle Study, also called Vision Slow Triangle or Duboce Triangle Vision 2030, was led by the Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association and engaged the community in workshops to understand the visions for the future of the Duboce Triangle neighborhood.
The Central Subway will extend the Muni T-Third line north from Fourth and King streets, traveling mostly underground to Chinatown.
BART Perks was a six-month test program to explore new ways to reduce crowding on BART.
We continue to work with the governor’s office, and state and local representatives to identify solutions to congestion in the area.
Getting children to school and aftercare in San Francisco is often challenging, particularly for households with multiple children, each of whom may be bound for different destinations.
The SFMTA-led District 3 Pedestrian Safety Improvements project will focus on planning, design, and construction of pedestrian safety improvements on and near Kearny Street.
The Presidio Parkway serves as a regional gateway between the Golden Gate Bridge and the city of San Francisco.
Vision Zero Proactive Traffic Calming is a program of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to improve safety on streets where pedestrian injuries to seniors and people with disabilities are concentrated and priority areas where seniors and people with disabilities live and travel.
The main goal of the project is to provide a safer space for people to walk and cross the Minnesota and 25th St Intersection