Meeting Notice


Date: 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Location: Legislative Chamber, Room 250, City Hall

Commissioners: Avalos (Chair), Wiener (Vice Chair), Breed, Campos, Chiu, Cohen, Farrell, Kim, Mar, Tang and Yee


CLERK: Erika Cheng



1. Roll Call

2. Approve the Minutes of the February 25, 2014 Meeting – ACTION* attachment 

3. Chair’s Report – INFORMATION

4. Executive Director’s Report – INFORMATION report

Items from the Finance Committee

5. Adopt Positions on State Legislation – ACTION* attachment 

6. Increase the Amount of the Professional Services Contract with Mark Thomas & Company, Inc. by $117,231, to a Total Amount Not to Exceed $598,181, for Planning, Environmental, and Engineering Services for the Folsom Street Off-Ramp Realignment Project During the Construction Phase, and Authorize the Executive Director to Modify Contract Payment Terms and Non-Material Contract Terms and Conditions – ACTION* attachment 

7. Extend the Memorandum of Agreement with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development for an Additional One-Year Period, in an Amount not to exceed $167,700, for CityBuild Services to Promote Workforce Development for Phase II of the Presidio Parkway Project, and Authorize the Executive Director to Modify Agreement Payment Terms and Non-Material Agreement Terms and Conditions – ACTION* attachment 

8. Amend the Adopted Fiscal Year 2013/14 Budget to Increase Revenues by $2,907,954, Decrease Expenditures by $110,932,870, Decrease Other Financing Sources by $290,324,510 for a Total Net Decrease in Fund Balance of $176,483,686, and Amend the Prop K Strategic Plan – ACTION* attachment 

Items from the Plans and Programs Committee

9. Allocate $4,262,840 in Prop K Funds, Appropriate $132,626 in Prop K Funds, and Allocate $1,844,994 in Prop AA Funds, with Conditions, for Nine Requests, Subject to the Attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedules, and Amend the Prop AA Strategic Plan and Relevant Prop AA and Prop K 5-Year Prioritization Programs – ACTION* attachment

10. Adopt the Caltrain Oakdale Station Ridership Study Final Report – ACTION* attachment   report

11. Appoint John Larson to the Citizens Advisory Committee – ACTION* attachment 

12. Appoint Austin Spires to the Geary Corridor Bus Rapid Transit Citizens Advisory Committee – ACTION* attachment 

13. Adopt the 19th Avenue Transit Study Final Report – ACTION* attachment   report 

Items for Direct Board Consideration

14. Revise the Structure of the Vision Zero Committee – ACTION* attachment 

On February 25, 2014, through Resolution 14-58, the Transportation Authority established an ad hoc Vision Zero Committee to support the City’s efforts to take comprehensive and coordinated actions to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety in the near-term. As established, the committee includes four members, with the Transportation Authority Chair serving as an ex-officio member. At the request of Chair Avalos, we are recommending revising the Vision Zero Committee structure by adding one seat to expand the committee to five members. In this memorandum, we also present updates on several recent Vision Zero activities and a look ahead to the first Vision Zero Committee meeting, which we anticipate will be held on April 10. We are seeking approval to revise the structure of the Vision Zero Committee.

Other Items

15. Introduction of New Items – INFORMATION

During this segment of the meeting, Board members may make comments on items not specifically listed above, or introduce or request items for future consideration.

16. Public Comment

17. Adjournment