This planning study will focus on improving safety, accessibility, and overall experience at key intersections along Lincoln Way, next to Ocean Beach, including Lower and Upper Great Highway, La Playa Street, and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. The project will explore ways to enhance connections for people walking, biking, and driving, with place-making features to create a more welcoming and enjoyable environment for everyone.
The SFMTA is implementing quick and effective traffic calming measures at locations in District 11.
The project will improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety at the Ocean Avenue Off-Ramp intersection by realigning the free-flow right turn off-ramp into a T-intersection and install a traffic signal.
This study aims to convene a working group to identify low- and zero-emission delivery approaches in the broader downtown area.
This project will analyze connectivity between a new public school site in the Mission Bay neighborhood, the existing low-stress active transportation network, and existing and planned transit. The project will then design infrastructure improvements to mitigate key barriers to active transportation. The project will also coordinate expected transportation programs and improvements from projects in the area to ensure school access is supported.
The Vision Zero Freeway Ramps Study will identify improvements for 11 freeway ramps across District 7, District 9, District 10, and District 11 to improve safety and connectivity.
The study will focus on the first phase of planning and development.
As San Francisco's Congestion Management Agency, we monitor activity on our city's transportation network and adopt plans for mitigating traffic congestion.
San Francisco Public Works is set to improve safety, walkability, and accessibility at the intersection of Clement Street and 6th Avenue in the heart of the Inner Richmond. This high-traffic location connects the community to local businesses, cafes, shops, schools, and community spaces like the Richmond Branch Library, George Peabody Elementary, and Roosevelt Middle School.
This study will identify a prioritized short list of recommendations to improve multimodal traffic safety and access in the Inner Sunset commercial core area in District 7.
The Brotherhood Way Safety and Circulation Plan will develop near- and long-term concepts to improve safety, circulation, and connectivity through the Brotherhood Way and Alemany Boulevard corridors and on surrounding streets.
The West Side Bridges Retrofit will seismically retrofit eight existing bridge structures along Treasure Island Road to meet current seismic safety standards.
The Transportation Authority is developing a business plan that will define an on-demand community shuttle service within District 4.
The proposed Quint-Jerrold Connector Road will reestablish a connection between Oakdale Avenue and Jerrold Avenue via a new road along the west side of the Caltrain tracks.