Hearing Room, 1455 Market Street, 22nd Floor


Meeting Notice

Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2016; 6:00 p.m.

Location: Transportation Authority Hearing Room, 1455 Market Street, Floor 22

Members: Christopher Waddling (Chair), Peter Sachs (Vice Chair), Myla Ablog, Becky Hogue, Brian Larkin, John Larson, Santiago Lerma, John Morrison, Jacqualine Sachs and Peter Tannen


6:00 1. Committee Meeting Call to Order

6:05 2. Chair’s Report – INFORMATION

6:10 Consent Calendar

3. Approve the Minutes of the March 23, 2016 Meeting – ACTION*  minutes

4. Accounting Report and Investment Report for the Nine Months Ending March 31, 2016 – INFORMATION*  memo

The Transportation Authority’s Fiscal Policy directs staff to give a quarterly report of expenditures including a comparison to the approved budget. The Transportation Authority’s Investment Policy directs that a review of portfolio compliance be presented along with the quarterly report.

5. State and Federal Legislative Update – INFORMATION*  attachment

Every month, we provide an update on state and federal legislation and, when appropriate, seek recommendations to adopt new positions on active legislation. The attached matrix tracks the latest activity on state bills and the positions previously adopted by the Transportation Authority. At its April 12, 2016 meeting, the Finance Committee recommended the following new positions: a seek amendment position on Assembly Bill 1851 (Gray); and an oppose position on Senate Bill 885 (Wolk).

End of Consent Calendar

6:15 6. Adopt a Motion of Support for Allocation of $9,599,451 in Prop K Funds, with Conditions, for Three Requests, Subject to the Attached Fiscal Year Cash Flow Distribution Schedules – ACTION*  memo  presentation

As summarized in Attachments 1 and 2, we have three requests totaling $9,599,451 in Prop K funds to present to the Citizens Advisory Committee. The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is requesting $5 million in Prop K funds and a commitment to allocate another $7 million to leverage Federal Transit Administration funds for the procurement of 33 60-foot New Flyer electric trolley coaches. The committed funds would be available for allocation once the SFMTA secures the remaining federal funds for the project. The SFMTA has also requested $4,400,000 in Prop K funds for planning and design work to renovate its Burke Avenue industrial building to increase the efficiency of the central warehouse for its Materials Management section and to provide a new headquarters for its Overhead Lines group. Finally, the SFMTA has requested $199,451 in Prop K Neighborhood Transportation Improvement Program (NTIP) capital funds for bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements on Arguello Boulevard, including bike lane striping, continental crosswalks and design of sidewalk bulbouts to be constructed through the paving project in 2017.

6:25 7. Major Capital Projects Update – Muni Radio Replacement Project – INFORMATION*  memo  presentation

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) has embarked on a project to replace and modernize its radio communications system, some elements of which date back to the 1970s. The Muni Radio Replacement Project will do much more than its name implies. It will integrate Muni’s communications with Intelligent Transportation Systems components; incorporate up-to-date technological features such as expanded data transmission and simulcasting; and integrate multiple vehicle information systems. By replacing antiquated systems, the SFMTA will be able to improve transit operations and reliability across all modes of service. With a contribution of $61.7 million, Prop K sales tax is the largest funding source for the $128 million project. In June 2012, the SFMTA issued the notice-to-proceed to Harris Corp, the design-build contractor and sole bidder. We are pleased to report that construction, testing and configuration is nearing completion at the radio base stations. Construction is also taking place at 16 aboveground locations and the Metro subway system. Four above ground radio base stations have been completed and are on-the-air. All base stations are in the system setup and configuration stage. The antenna cable installation in the Metro tunnel has been 99% completed. Work is also underway at the subway stations and the above-ground yard and central control facility installations. The SFMTA estimates that the installation of the full rubber-tire fleet will be completed by September 2016. For the new LRVs, factory testing is scheduled for June 2016 and installation will take place from September 2016 to January 2017. The original contract schedule called for construction to be completed in September 2015 and had a budget of $116.4 million. However, schedule delays and difficulties experienced by the contractor (e.g. ensuring compatibility with all five Muni modes, staffing issues) have contributed to a budget increase to $128.0 million and a Final Switchover anticipated in March 2017.

6:40 8. Update on the Proposed Golden State Warriors Arena – INFORMATION*  presentation

At the October 28, 2015 CAC meeting, Jacqualine Sachs requested an update on the proposed Golden State Warriors’ arena in San Francisco. Peter Albert with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and Adam Van de Water with the San Francisco Planning Department will provide an overview of the development and final recommendations for transportation investments and programs that support the proposed Golden State Warriors’ Event Center in Mission Bay.

7:00 9 Preliminary Fiscal Year 2016/17 Annual Budget and Work Program – INFORMATION*  memo  presentation

Pursuant to State statutes (PUC Code Sections 131000 et seq.) and the Transportation Authority’s Fiscal Policy, the Transportation Authority Board must adopt an annual budget for the following fiscal year by June 30. The preliminary Fiscal Year (FY) 2016/17 Annual Budget includes projections of sales tax revenues; federal, state and regional grants; investment income for the fiscal period; and projections of operating and administrative costs, capital expenditures, and associated financing costs. The proposed FY 2016/17 Annual Budget also includes a description of the Transportation Authority’s proposed Work Program for the coming fiscal year. The final proposed FY 2016/17 Annual Budget and Work Program will be presented to the Finance Committee and Transportation Authority Board in June for approval. A public hearing will precede consideration of the FY 2016/17 Annual Budget and Work Program at the Transportation Authority Board’s June meeting. We will present the draft materials to the CAC at the April meeting and return in May for action.

7:15 10. Update on Plan Bay Area (PBA) 2040 – INFORMATION*  presentation

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) are currently developing Plan Bay Area 2040 (PBA 2040), the region's legislatively-mandated Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy that adopts a land use vision and a transportation system to govern the region's growth and investment through 2040. In October 2015 the Transportation Authority adopted goals and objectives for our participation in the PBA 2040 process and approved a list of projects and programs for MTC and ABAG to consider for inclusion in PBA 2040. Since then the agencies have adopted goals and performance measures, ABAG has been developing draft growth scenarios and MTC has been evaluating how the largest of the nominated projects perform in moving the region toward its targets, including modeling the projects' costs and benefits. At the April Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting, we will provide a brief update on PBA and a look ahead at related items we anticipate bringing before the CAC, Plans and Programs Committee and Board as MTC and ABAG move toward adoption of the final preferred scenario, anticipated this September.

7:35 11. Update on Transbay Transit Center Financing – INFORMATION*  attachment

At the March CAC meeting, Peter Tannen asked for an update on the financing for the Transbay Joint Powers Authority’s (TJPA’s) Transbay Transit Center (TTC) project. Phase 1 of the project, which includes the TTC, bus ramp, and related improvements, has experienced repeated project delays and cost increases, with the budget increasing by 43% since the original 2010 cost estimate. Last year, the Transportation Authority and the City’s Controller’s Office participated in a Metropolitan Transportation Commission-led (MTC-led) cost review of the project. In September 2015, MTC completed its cost-review of Phase 1 which recommended a budget increase of $360 million, including $100 million to be added to the project contingency, for a revised $2.3 billion cost. The project has both a funding shortfall and a cash flow problem. Working with the MTC and TJPA, the Controller’s Office identified a solution that covers the funding shortfall by redirecting Community Facilities District (CFD) and Property Tax Increment (TI) revenue intended for Phase 2 (the Caltrain Downtown Extension) to Phase 1. The timing of availability of those revenue streams is tied to the pace of development, which could be impacted by an economic downturn. The Controller’s Office developed a proposed bridge financing mechanism to provide the project with sufficient cash until long-term financing can be put into place. The proposal involves a combination of 1) $100 million in financing secured by current CFD revenue and 2) interim financing consisting of $260 million in Certificates of Participation issued by the City and County of San Francisco, of which Wells Fargo Bank will underwrite $160 million and the Bay Area Toll Authority, will purchase the remaining $100 million. Related actions are currently going through the BATA and Board of Supervisors approval processes. At the CAC meeting, Transportation Authority staff will provide an overview of the proposed funding and financing solution.

7:45 12. Introduction of New Business – INFORMATION

During this segment of the meeting, CAC members may make comments on items not specifically listed above, or introduce or request items for future consideration.

7:50 13. Public Comment

8:00 14. Adjournment

* Additional materials


Next Meeting: May 25, 2016



The Hearing Room at the Transportation Authority is wheelchair accessible. To request sign language interpreters, readers, large print agendas or other accommodations, please contact the Clerk of the Authority at (415) 522-4800. Requests made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting will help to ensure availability.

The nearest accessible BART station is Civic Center (Market/Grove/Hyde Streets). Accessible MUNI Metro lines are the F, J, K, L, M, N, T (exit at Civic Center or Van Ness Stations). MUNI bus lines also serving the area are the 6, 7, 9, 9R, 14, 14R, 21, 47, 49, and 90. For more information about MUNI accessible services, call (415) 701-4485.

There is accessible parking in the vicinity of City Hall at Civic Center Plaza and adjacent to Davies Hall and the War Memorial Complex. Accessible curbside parking is available on 11th Street.

In order to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illnesses, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees at all public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. Please help the Transportation Authority accommodate these individuals.

If any materials related to an item on this agenda have been distributed to the Citizens Advisory Committee after distribution of the meeting packet, those materials are available for public inspection at the Transportation Authority at 1455 Market Street, Floor 22, San Francisco, CA 94103, during normal office hours.

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