Metropolitan Transportation Commission Awards $750,000 to Improve Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety in Visitacion Valley
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission awarded $750,000 to the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department to support the Visitacion Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Improvement Project.
Closing the Transportation Funding Gap
There is a $22 billion funding gap for San Francisco's transportation systems from 2019 – 2045.
Pricing & Incentives
One of the best tools to manage the volume of traffic on our streets is charging a fair price to use our roads.
Press Release
Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency Awarded $20 Million U.S. EPA Community Change Grant for Transportation Improvements on Treasure Island
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded the Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency, or TIMMA, a $20 million grant for a collection of Treasure Island transportation improvements called Treasure Island Connects.
Yerba Buena Island / I-80 Southgate Road and Interchange Project
The project reconstructed the I-80 eastbound off-ramp to Yerba Buena Island. The project features an innovative design that enhances safety and circulation. The project was completed in 2023 and reopened to traffic.
San Francisco Freeway Network Management Study
The study will consider managed lane alternatives, including priced lane and priced facility options, for freeways within San Francisco (Central Freeway, I-80, U.S. 101, I-280) with the goals of reducing vehicle miles traveled, increasing person throughput, and improving transit reliability.
Press Release
Transportation Authority Commemorates 35 Years with San Francisco Voters
This month, the November 2024 election marked the 35th anniversary of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority.
Spotlight on Community-Driven Improvements in Bayview-Hunter’s Point
Bayview-Hunter’s Point is nestled along the southeastern waterfront of San Francisco and is home to many historical buildings, recreation areas, and local businesses. The Transportation Authority continues to invest in transportation improvements to serve this culturally rich and historically significant community.
District 1 Multimodal Transportation Study
The District 1 Multimodal Transportation Study will engage the community to identify known mobility challenges and develop near- to long-term strategies to improve transit reliability and safety and shift trips to transit, walking, biking, or other non-driving options.
Spotlight on Transportation Authority Deputy Director for Capital Projects Carl Holmes
The Construction Management Association of America has awarded the 2024 Golden Key Award to our Deputy Director for Capital Projects, Carl Holmes.