Installation of New San Francisco BART Fare Gates Underway
This month, BART began installing the next generation of fare gates at Civic Center BART station. The new fare gates are designed to improve safety, customer experience, accessibility, reliability, and to deter fare evasion at BART stations.
Transportation Fund for Clean Air
The Transportation Fund for Clean Air supports bicycle, pedestrian and other transportation projects that help clean the air by reducing motor vehicle emissions.
Press Release
Caltrain Welcomes First Passengers on New Electric Trains
Note: this Press Release was published by Caltrain.
Brotherhood Way Safety and Circulation Plan
The Brotherhood Way Safety and Circulation Plan will develop near- and long-term concepts to improve safety, circulation, and connectivity through the Brotherhood Way and Alemany Boulevard corridors and on surrounding streets.
Southgate Road Project Wins Interchange Project of the Year
In June 2024, the Transportation Authority was awarded the Interchange Project of the Year Award for the Yerba Buena Island / I-80 Southgate Road and Interchange Project by the California Transportation Foundation
Yerba Buena Island / I-80 Southgate Road and Interchange Project
The project reconstructed the I-80 eastbound off-ramp to Yerba Buena Island. The project features an innovative design that enhances safety and circulation. The project was completed in 2023 and reopened to traffic.
Transportation Authority Board Approves Jane Warner Plaza Final Report
Led by San Francisco Public Works, the Jane Warner Plaza planning efforts sought to enhance the safety, longevity, and appearance of plaza features at the intersection of Castro and Market Streets.
Prop L Sales Tax to Fund Over 100 New Hybrid and Battery Electric Muni Buses
The Transportation Authority Board recently approved over $40 million in Prop L half-cent sales tax funds to replace over 100 hybrid and battery-electric Muni buses that have reached the end of their useful lives.
Prop L Transportation Sales Tax Investments: Five Year Prioritization Programs Completed
At the July 23 Transportation Authority Board meeting, board members approved the final group of five-year Prop L project investments, also known as Five-Year Prioritization Programs. With this approval, we have completed the inaugural programming of Prop L funds to projects for the voter-approved half-cent sales tax.
Geary-Fillmore Underpass Community Planning Study
The project will develop transportation and land use concept designs that rethink the urban renewal-era Geary Expressway and advance a high-quality multimodal, mixed-use transit-oriented area to connect the Japantown and Fillmore/Western Addition neighborhoods and promote community livability.