Hearing Room, 1455 Market Street, 22nd Floor


Meeting Notice

Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2018; 6:00 p.m.

Location: Transportation Authority Hearing Room, 1455 Market Street, Floor 22

Members: John Larson (Chair), Peter Sachs (Vice Chair), Myla Ablog, Kian Alavi, Robert Gower, Hala Hijazi, Becky Hogue, David Klein, Peter Tannen, Chris Waddling and Rachel Zack


6:00 1. Call to Order

6:05 2. Chair’s Report – INFORMATION

6:10 Consent Agenda

3. Approve the Minutes of the September 26, 2018 Meeting – ACTION*  minutes

4. State and Federal Legislation Update – INFORMATION*  memo

5. Internal Accounting Report, Investment Report, and Debt Expenditure Report for the Three Months Ending September 30, 2018 – INFORMATION*  memo

6. Citizens Advisory Committee Appointment – INFORMATION

The Board will consider recommending appointment of one member to the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) at its November 13, 2018 meeting. The vacancy is the result of the resignation of Hala Hijazi (District 2 resident). Neither staff nor CAC members make recommendations regarding CAC appointments. CAC applications can be submitted through the Transportation Authority’s website at www.sfcta.org/cac.

7. Adopt a Motion of Support for the Approval of a a Two-Year Professional Services Contract with MSA Design & Consulting, Inc. in an Amount Not to Exceed $420,000 for Planning and Technical Services for the ConnectSF Streets and Freeways Study – ACTION*  memo

8. Adopt a Motion of Support for the Approval of a Two-Year Professional Services Contract, with Options to Extend for Three Additional One-Year Periods, to SPTJ Consulting in an Amount Not to Exceed $480,000 for Computer Network and Maintenance Services – ACTION*  memo

End of Consent Agenda

6:15 9. Adopt a Motion of Support for the Allocation of $8,731,019 in Prop K Sales Tax Funds for Eleven Requests, with Conditions, and Appropriation of $200,000 in Prop K Sales Tax Funds for One Request – ACTION*  memo  enclosure  presentation

6:25 10. Adopt a Motion of Support for the Adoption of 18 2019 Prop K 5-Year Prioritization Programs (5YPPs), with Conditions, Amend 16 2014 5YPPs, Approve a Fund Exchange and Amend the 2017 Prop AA Strategic Plan to Provide $2,064,919 to the Bus Stop Enhancement Project, and Approve Two Prop K Fund Exchanges to Help Backfill the Regional Improvement Program Shortfall for the Central Subway – ACTION*  memo

6:35 11. Adopt a Motion of Support for the Apodtion of the 2019 Prop K Strategic Plan – ACTION*  memo  presentation

6:45 12. Update on Fissures Found on Steel Girders at the Transbay Transit Center – INFORMATION*  presentation

On September 25, the Transbay Joint Powers Authority discovered a fissure on a 60 foot by 8 foot steel girder that spans Fremont Street. Upon further examination, a second smaller fissure was discovered on a similar parallel girder at the Fremont Street site. Out of an abundance of caution, the Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) closed the Transit Center and Fremont Street, and proceeded to shore both girders. The shoring has since been installed at both Fremont and First Streets (the latter out of caution) and Fremont Street was re-opened for use on October 15. The Temporary Terminal is being used for bus operations during this time. At the request of Mayors Breed and Schaff, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission is leading a peer panel, composed of metallurgists, welding experts and structural engineers to advise on testing to be performed and recommend a fix. The peer panel will also review building designs and help evaluate the full building condition, once more is known about the cause of the cracked beams. At the October 23 Board meeting, TJPA staff will provide an update on these efforts and expected next steps.

7:00 13. Progress Report for Van Ness Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Project INFORMATION*  memo  presentation

7:15 14. Adopt a Motion of Support for the Adoption of the Final Freeway Corridor Management Study Phase 2 Report, Authorize the Executive Director to Amend Cooperative Agreement No. 04-2647 with the California Department of Transportation for the U.S. 101/I-280 Managed Lanes for an Additional $152,000 in a Total Amount Not to Exceed $227,000, and Approve a Prop K/Local Partnership Program Fund Exchange in the amount of $4.1 Million in Prop K Funds for the U.S. 101/I-280 Managed Lanes Project – ACTION*  memo  presentation

7:30 15. Update on the Effects of Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) on Roadway Congestion and Reliability – INFORMATION* presentation

Following the Transportation Authority's 2017 TNCs Today report, staff have been collaborating with other public agencies and researchers to analyze the relative contributions of various factors to observed changes in roadway congestion over the period 2010-2016. The factors studied include road network changes, population and job growth, and TNCs. The TNCs and Congestion report and interactive map are available on our website at https://www.sfcta.org/emerging-mobility/tncs-and-congestion.

7:45 16. Update on Cordon Pricing and Incentive-Based Congestion Management Strategies – INFORMATION*  presentation

Transportation Authority staff will provide information about the potential to utilize demand management strategies to reduce congestion and improve transportation options in downtown San Francisco. The presentation will recap our 2010 report on cordon pricing – the Mobility, Access, and Pricing Study (MAPS) – and describe current incentive-based activities in San Francisco and other cities. The same presentation is being given to the Board at its October 23, 2018 meeting. 

Other Items

7:55 17. Introduction of New Business – INFORMATION

During this segment of the meeting, CAC members may make comments on items not specifically listed above, or introduce or request items for future consideration.

7:50 18. Public Comment

8:00 19. Adjournment

*Additional Materials

Next Meeting: November 28, 2018


The Hearing Room at the Transportation Authority is wheelchair accessible. To request sign language interpreters, readers, large print agendas or other accommodations, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (415) 522-4800. Requests made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting will help to ensure availability. Attendees at all public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical-based products.

The nearest accessible BART station is Civic Center (Market/Grove/Hyde Streets). Accessible MUNI Metro lines are the F, J, K, L, M, N, T (exit at Civic Center or Van Ness Stations). MUNI bus lines also serving the area are the 5, 6, 7, 9, 19, 21, 47, and 49. For more information about MUNI accessible services, call (415) 701-4485.

If any materials related to an item on this agenda have been distributed to the Citizens Advisory Committee after distribution of the meeting packet, those materials are available for public inspection at the Transportation Authority at 1455 Market Street, Floor 22, San Francisco, CA 94103, during normal office hours.

Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [SF Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code Sec. 2.100] to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the San Francisco Ethics Commission at 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 220, San Francisco, CA 94102; (415) 252-3100; www.sfethics.org.